Sunday, August 29, 2010

Jan 2010 Gold Price/gram

Change country

in after six weeks Turkey, most recently at Lake Van (not to be confused with the Wannsee), I have really fond of the country and met many facets. Now we go into Iran, where I stay about four to five weeks.
For security reasons I am writing from Iran likely has no blog entries. It is better to collect the impressions of first for me and then publish in a few weeks here. Look but still look ... Via email but I am still propagated to reach and would appreciate some sign of life from Germany!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Drivers Presario V6000 Windows 7

Caminho Portugues

Hola Peregrinos
After I finished this year, the Camino Frances from SJPDP of Santiago to Finisterra and Muxia, the pilgrims as a longing took possession of me . I 'm still not arrived. And it looks like I'll probably not for a long time.
For next year, beginning in late April of May Caminho Portugues is planned.

I hope to start this way with my brother Udo pilgrims and pilgrims sister Nicole can

this time the preliminary planning:

Camino Portugues
first Days arrival Porto

second days by bus from Porto to Fatima

3.Tag Porto - Green Fields 14.8

Green Fields - Vilarhino 10.7

Vilharhino - Rates 11.7
4. Tag Rates - Barcelos 15.5

Barcelos - Portela de Tamel 9.3
5.Tag Portela Tamel - Ponte de Lima 24.3
6. Tag Ponte de Lima - Rubiao 17.1
7. Tag Rubiao - Valencia - 15.3

Valença - Tui 4
8. Tag Tui - Porriño 15.7

Porriño - Me 5.3

Me - Redondela 9.4
9.Tag Redomdela - Faro 17.3

Paulo - Portela 11.7
10. Tag Portela - Brialles 6.4

Brialles - Caldas de Reis 4.8

Caldas de Reis - Standard 18.3
11.Tag Standard - Teo 10.4

Teo - Santiago 13.1
12. Tag Santiago de Compostella - Negreira 22.1
Day 13 Negreira-Olveiroa 33.2
14 . Olveiroa - Finisterra 31.9
15 days Finisterra. - by bus to Santiago                   0
16.Tag Abreise Santiago                    0

Ultreja and Buen Camino Michael