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supervisors, teachers, partners, politicians, media, consultants and therapists try to convince their fellow human beings every day of their insights.
The reason: They believe that the desired change in behavior is beneficial for your fellow man.
you live in the assumption that would have good, relevant and clearly put forward arguments lead to insights from your counterparts.
think that once gained insight automatically leads to appropriate action.
According to the latest knowledge from brain research, which is still in its infancy infected, the scientists say that each person has his own private access, and these are very different from other insights can.
is also one today to come to the conclusion that man himself has little insight into its basic structures of his deeds and actions.
The thesis that about ten percent of the people are conscious shares and approximately ninety percent of shares unconscious underline these results.
Could it then be possible that our communications are just a trigger function for the human emotions?
Could it then be that our emotional memory always has a small lead in our actions?
Could it then be that the man tried in his behavior, to gain maximum publicity?
I hope you will always have good insights.
sure that insight is directed inward (so A-VISION). It could be the way to your dream. With your eyes and ears, you are focused on the outside!
For entrepreneurs, managers and all those who want to be here is a valuable key.
the way, children learn to understand the age of four by watching, and learn - right brain.
Language is the next step before the following school system - left brain.
currencies it be nice if it is then a remedy against growing up, (assuming a good childhood) and we should play again to learn with fun?
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