Saturday, August 23, 2008

Patch Anti Bug Soulsilver

Dale Carnegie's rules for a carefree life

15 years ago, I read Dale Carnegie's bestseller "Do not worry - live." And I've been 7 important rules appropriated, which I would like to show here:
  1. Take care of today just that!

  2. a magic formula for situations generate fear
    - Ask yourself: "What could happen worst ?
    - Be willing to accept the necessary
    - then make up and calmly, to change it every effort

  3. 99 % of all the things that we worry or before which we are afraid not happen!
    check the information. Then ask yourself again:
    "What is the probability that the things I worry about, really happen?"

  4. Accept the inevitable
    guards to Socrates: "take lightly what must be"

  5. saw no sawdust!
    Let bygones be bygones

  6. Do something! A person who is worried that deal has to, or he dies of despair.

  7. Do your best, and then spun on your old umbrella, so that the rain of criticism you not running behind the collar.


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