Saturday, November 7, 2009

How Do I Buy Racing Silks

packing list in 2010

packing list of St. James in 2010

Transport / sleeping
Backpack / Deuter incl Hydration System 3 Liter 1700 g
sleeping bag 1010 g
scallop backpack

Walking sticks
Walking Poles / Leki) 475 g

clothing on the body
trekking boots (Meindl) 1532 g
undershirt 27 g
gloves 41g
function underpants 34 g
trekking pants Zip 590 g
Trekking socks (Falke TK1) 103
Wolfskin jacket g incl Flecce 1694 g
long 1 function Shirt 275 g
mobile phone in a side pocket 76 g
IPod 44 g
pocket knife in a side pocket 110g
a pilgrim leader in a side pocket
a hostel list in a side pocket 59g
1 German English for pilgrim 133g
Trekkinghut Wolfskin 76

photo equipment
g Camtasche 324 g
Digicam 128 g
Camcorder 284 g

clothing in a backpack
Trekkingsandale 765
1 bag g 111 g
a trekking pants 336
1 functional underwear g 54
1 function underpants g 44 g
an undershirt short 92 g
long 1 function underpants 126 g
a functional shirt just 163 g
g 1 function Shirt short 150
2 trekking socks 188 g
1 rain poncho 405
1 bag g 83
four stockings g 16 g
a Bufftuch 35 g

hygiene in the backpack
1 function Towel 136 g
deodorant 83 g
toothpaste 37
toothbrush g 12
shower cream g 284 g
toilet paper one roll 76 g
2 PG pace 57
Face Cream Dove g 50 g
1 Zip Bag 16 g
1 bag 112 g

pharmacy in the backpack
blistering 30
paving g First Aid 72 g
elastic bandages 72 g
Voltaren 91
blood pressure tablets g 50 g
Aspirin Plus C 34 g
earplugs 23
deer g 80
Lopedium g 3
ibuprofen g 20 g
Betaisodona g 31
MCP drops 74
nasal spray 30 g
magnesium tablets g 18
2 gauze bandages 17 g g
paving roller 50
Steristrip g 9
compress g 5 g

papers in the belt
belt 163 g
PilgerausweiƟ in Zip 25
air tickets in Zip g 30 g

EC Card / Mastercard

Others in the pack
headlight / battery 76
charger / Digi Cam g 101 g
Charger Cam Corder 130 g
Charger Mobile 49
Charger Ipod 83
sewing kit / safety pins 36 g
pen g 9 g
block 125
tupperware g 158
Lighter g 9 g
Rei in the tube 122 g
stones 9
stones g 9
image g 9 g
spare glasses / case 86 g
zip bag 16
plastic spoon g 4
cup g 25
Leggings g 240 g
2 Ersatzriemchen 44

g total weight in the backpack 8440 g
weight of all that I wear on the body: 14517 g

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Score Movie Lorna Morgan

share a goal with perseverance and determination

long I thought about how I would formulate the most important rule for success in a sentence. "Set a goal with perseverance and determination" With these six words are the two important principles of success addressed: First, you should set a goal. This is relatively easy and really anyone can. The crucial point is the persistence with which we must pursue the goal. Stay on the ball and not give up at the first setback, but focused and works hard to fight.