Saturday, November 7, 2009

How Do I Buy Racing Silks

packing list in 2010

packing list of St. James in 2010

Transport / sleeping
Backpack / Deuter incl Hydration System 3 Liter 1700 g
sleeping bag 1010 g
scallop backpack

Walking sticks
Walking Poles / Leki) 475 g

clothing on the body
trekking boots (Meindl) 1532 g
undershirt 27 g
gloves 41g
function underpants 34 g
trekking pants Zip 590 g
Trekking socks (Falke TK1) 103
Wolfskin jacket g incl Flecce 1694 g
long 1 function Shirt 275 g
mobile phone in a side pocket 76 g
IPod 44 g
pocket knife in a side pocket 110g
a pilgrim leader in a side pocket
a hostel list in a side pocket 59g
1 German English for pilgrim 133g
Trekkinghut Wolfskin 76

photo equipment
g Camtasche 324 g
Digicam 128 g
Camcorder 284 g

clothing in a backpack
Trekkingsandale 765
1 bag g 111 g
a trekking pants 336
1 functional underwear g 54
1 function underpants g 44 g
an undershirt short 92 g
long 1 function underpants 126 g
a functional shirt just 163 g
g 1 function Shirt short 150
2 trekking socks 188 g
1 rain poncho 405
1 bag g 83
four stockings g 16 g
a Bufftuch 35 g

hygiene in the backpack
1 function Towel 136 g
deodorant 83 g
toothpaste 37
toothbrush g 12
shower cream g 284 g
toilet paper one roll 76 g
2 PG pace 57
Face Cream Dove g 50 g
1 Zip Bag 16 g
1 bag 112 g

pharmacy in the backpack
blistering 30
paving g First Aid 72 g
elastic bandages 72 g
Voltaren 91
blood pressure tablets g 50 g
Aspirin Plus C 34 g
earplugs 23
deer g 80
Lopedium g 3
ibuprofen g 20 g
Betaisodona g 31
MCP drops 74
nasal spray 30 g
magnesium tablets g 18
2 gauze bandages 17 g g
paving roller 50
Steristrip g 9
compress g 5 g

papers in the belt
belt 163 g
Pilgerausweiß in Zip 25
air tickets in Zip g 30 g

EC Card / Mastercard

Others in the pack
headlight / battery 76
charger / Digi Cam g 101 g
Charger Cam Corder 130 g
Charger Mobile 49
Charger Ipod 83
sewing kit / safety pins 36 g
pen g 9 g
block 125
tupperware g 158
Lighter g 9 g
Rei in the tube 122 g
stones 9
stones g 9
image g 9 g
spare glasses / case 86 g
zip bag 16
plastic spoon g 4
cup g 25
Leggings g 240 g
2 Ersatzriemchen 44

g total weight in the backpack 8440 g
weight of all that I wear on the body: 14517 g


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