Vision, Mission, Goals ,...... This
What about those concepts in traditional companies about?
strategy, goal - Mission - Vision - Action -
a confusing variety of terminology in entrepreneurship. It is an invitation for confusion. In company behind the door in the nice setting to read: "Our strategy is to in 2 years, the number one on the market," Since the questions remain: What? For whom is this important? What this brings to customers?
Here's a short definition for better understanding:
The corporate vision
It is of a general nature, positive, emotional needs satisfactory idea of the businesses in the future. It is a statement about the identity of the target company or institution. She is a real utopia, ie a state that has not been reached, but can be achieved in principle. As the "Star of Bethlehem", which shows: in this direction we want to go.
They are the basis of entrepreneurial activity. It is the catalyst for change. You must the result to be specifically defined condition. On the effectiveness they must be coupled with verifiable and concrete notions of time.
strategy is the plan you just need to reach their destination at the best, cheapest or fastest. There are those events and factors in their own actions - trying einzukalkulieren could come into play, from the start - positive or negative. Strategy is the fundamental way in which the main objectives of the company are to be achieved.
He can have the quality of a strategy. The practice provides a summary of the plan provided for structured policies.
you are concrete actions or operational steps to implement strategies to achieve these goals.
The mission statement is normally described as a representation of how the company sees itself and how it would be. There are, in a simple compact form to provide information on the identity of the company (Who are we?) Of its objectives (What do we want?) And its value systems (what we want?)
are all collections of the principles and rules of communication, of leadership and collaboration. It is expected that all participants align their behavior accordingly.
I wish that you set within the lived vision, the right goals, and these actions with the strategy plan of action according to transpose your mission statement. This brings sales! ;-)
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