Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dentist Austin Opened On Saturday

three success rules

alone by following the three "golden rules of success" should be able to direct their own lives into successes. I myself always try it and can assure you that they are effective. My study of countless books and edification of the compilation of approximately 500 different success rules I have come to realize how all these successful rules can be applied in a simple and compact form. No one can 500 Success rules note and act accordingly. So here the essence in the following three rules. They are easy to remember and you can start right after reading and internalization.

success Rule 1: Do it now!

often fail good plans easy to implement. Therefore, it is important to realize that virtually self-starter to be used. Whenever I want to do something, but for some reason, postpone, I say internally to me, "Do it now." At once I start the work, and do the job. It is incredibly important to consistently apply the self-starter, since otherwise the subconscious is not conditioned is. Use the self-starter, even with small things such as if you should write a letter, but just do not feel like - it is enough for tomorrow, too. The moment you think of the self-starter "Do it now!" one. Instantly you make to work and write the letter.

If you follow this rule for success, you are pushing nothing on the back burner. By and by comes the tackling of such things as their own. Finally, you have shaped your subconscious mind to it. Many good ideas and plans are always immediately put into action and thereby bring a successful conclusion in more detail. I myself use this self-starter has done for many Years and am convinced that I would not have achieved much if I had not tackled immediately.

"Winning starts with beginning"

"Do the things you have to do when they have to be done whether you like it or not!" (Thomas Huxley)

success Rule 2: divide et impera!

This saying comes from Latin and means in German "divide and rule". The principle is to divide large tasks into smaller units and operate them sequentially. If a subtask still too powerful, then divide them into even smaller units. Focus then only to that part up with all your strength. I myself do my job for a small plan and write each task under each other. Then I work them one after. Is a partial task is completed, then it may be deleted. This painting is a kind of reward for me.

Figuratively, this approach can also be compared to an hourglass:
"see an hourglass as can not be done by shaking and shaking, you have to wait patiently until the sand grains to grains, from the funnel into the other. run.'s " (Christian Morgenstern)

During execution, you say. "A grain of sand at a time ... for a job after the other ..." and think of the hourglass - that will help you

"Live things one day at a time, because the burden of care of tomorrow to the set of yesterday and today, carried on the shoulders - as even the strongest to its knees!" (William Osler)

A woman that has migrated across America, was asked how she had been doing that you answered.
"It was a simple - I just made one step at a time "
So remember: not everything for at once, but the series!

success Rule 3: Just do it!

you are not dealing with too much time on the pros and cons of plans, but implementing them easily.

"Go easy on the thing and you will have the strength to"

"If you like your decision and put into action has, if anything, and but an end!" ( William James) "

" In the world of today is the willingness and the will to do something more important than the mere ability to " (EH Chaping)
-.> The secret lies in the will, not in the Can! The skill is rather an almost automatically if the will is strong enough.

"Whether you think you can do one thing or can not do -. In both cases you're right," (Henry Ford)


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