Monday, March 7, 2011

What Does Hiv Feces Look Like

Mosel Camino Beilstein - Traben Trabach

on 03/07/2011 (Rose Monday), it was then quite early on from Beilstein to Bullay to Traben Trabach desen Because the Rose Monday, is were the Touri offices closed. but the Marienburg open.

This made but unfortunately can not indeed now I Stempel.Nun in September of season 3 of the Mosel Caminos anschliesen.
Ultreia y Buen Camino

Antique French Provincial Side Side Table

Detours: Portugal and Iran

I was advised that it is time time for a new blog entry again. How true! After the political news of the last time I will this time be limited to the travel narrative.

In February, I've indulged in a few days relaxing on the little island of Diu, off the southern coast of Gujarat. Diu India is among travelers still "secret" as acted, at least compared with the well-known Goa. But thanks to entry in the Lonely Planet and an illustrative number of restaurants with set breakfast menu (omelette, butter and marmalade on toast, fruit salad and choice of tea or coffee for 70 rupees = 1.20 €) are also her enough foreigners .
Diu Goa was like a long time a Portuguese colony and was only when the subcontinent for more than ten years by the British was independent, Indian Territory. The island has retained its Portuguese charm, small colorful streets, Mediterranean-like houses, churches and hotels in the Portuguese style with Portuguese names. A "relic" of the colonial era is the community of Africans who were brought as slaves to the Portuguese from Mozambique to Diu. They are now more Indian than African, speak Hindi and Gujarati wiggle, with the head when they say "yes" and do gamble as a rickshaw driver from just like the Indians.
Diu has a handful Beaches is almost verkehrslos, horns of a rarity and the road, apart from a plastic bag or other clean. So actually more Portuguese than Indian. It is popular among tourists to explore the island with a scooter, which I then made a few days on foot, too. When suddenly in the tenth grade at my age the role maintenance and the Auspuffpimpen at the high school was a religion, I have half belächelnd, half disinterested kept to my bike. In Diu, however, my driving was fun.
Any doubts about driving (I have not included) were found later than when I saw the ten year old children to heat things.

at Diu joined ten days in the stunning 20-million city of Mumbai, the capital of the world kontrastreicheste maybe I already knew of three visits. After that I was good for a week in Pune where I lived with an Iranian couple. Siamak Maryam and I had found through Facebook. How small the world has become thanks to the network!

Pune is the Heidelberg India and has many young students. Also lives there in India, the largest community of exiled Iranians. I wanted to find out how the Iranians living there, how they relate to their home country and how their adopted country. Siamak has lived eight years in India and has since been back only once in Iran. So I'm back Material for a new product collected. I get when traveling constantly new (writing) ideas and inspirations. And notice that I "would just" simply can not and will not, but at the same time and produce something schonmal working towards in the direction of journalism, with a view to a possible future.
My last article was about my experience in Iran and future of the Iranian democracy movement:

In Pune, I am practically for a week traveled back to Iran. It was great to hear again Farsi, Persian to eat, to sleep on an Iranian carpet and experience hospitality as I know them from Iran. Together with my hosts Iranian films I have seen, as we have experienced over the Internet, that this year's Golden Bear at the Berlinale has gone to an Iranian drama! In all probability I will follow in October with an Oriental and linguistic studies, the Iranian track ...

Currently I travel consistently southward - with the aim to increase this month to reach the Cape Comorin, the southernmost point of India. Meanwhile, there are increasing rumors that back in May I could set foot on German soil ...

"But I know it's not," says the little monkey in this picture:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bushnell 10x40 Tactical Fake

Blog Caminho Portugues

Hola Peregrinos
As some of you have noticed I have from the pilgrimage 26.03. 2011 the Caminho Portugues. So here on the blog not such a mess there, I have a new blog for Caminho erstellt.Dort you find everything that I experience on the road and can tell you.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Preeten Birthday Ideas

Christian Bischoff

Hi ...
I received recently from a good friend of Christian Bischoff 2 books and read them in a week. The way he writes I find totally great and perhaps I shall do one or the other so well. So I place a link once inside of him, where he presents the rates can change your life. And we all know change is good ... :)

:) Have fun with it ...

Best regards,

Autographed 1985 Jordans

Mosel Camino Treis-carding to Beilstein

Hola Peregrinos
Today I'm at my Purzeltag pilgrimage of Treis-carding to Beilstein. The weather was just great. After breakfast with my wife, who was ordered to work, unfortunately, today, I drove my car to Treis-carding and parked it at the train station.

In the tourism office, I got my first pilgrimage temple.

There was a very long climb to the heights of the Hunsrück up to Angels Monastery Port, where I set up a candle.

waiting for a pilgrimage temple I unfortunately in vain. We went to Beilstein in the open Carmelite Church. There was unfortunately no one to reach with a stamp.

have I dawdled in the morning at breakfast reasonably well, I did not manage to keep running until Bullay.Also we went by bus and regions Train back to Treis-carded. God willing and the weather, I will vervollständgen on the Monday the route.
Ultreia y Buen Camino
your pilgrim Michael

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why Carbonmonoxide Alarm Wont Stop

training hike

Hola together
Today I had mine second training hike came together absolviert.Es 20 km. Several joggers and walkers at me saying why I laufe.Nach with a backpack through the woods of my statement that I am training again for the Camino, they were amazed and delighted and wished me good luck.
Morning sun at 08:30 clock
and there were still delicate mist traveling
and this is where my distinctive 6.3 kg lighter backpack
Ultreia y Michael Buen Camino

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Crisco Shortening For Dry Skin

talk and pictures of Dean Rev. Mathias moss

11th February 2011 Marienfels
Dean Rev. Mathias Moss has a couple of weeks in September 2010 pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago
from Santander to Santiago de Compostella and further moved to Porto
with many photos he described his personal impressions of this intensive Pilgerzeit.Die approximately 60 participants listened intently to the previous day. After the lecture could ask questions and share experience.
Dean Moss Rev. Mathias

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Philips Sonicare 7800

mood for Turkish Get Ups

In the last week it happened ... I've lost focus and put down a little extra workout. According
current training plan is an absolute taboo.
Well, what can I do. S just happened ...
The whole thing happened. In my warm-up routine I do besides jump rope and Joint Mobilities min whatsoever 5th TGUs with light weight.
was after the last training I noticed how easily my warm-ups Get were pleased with the 16er.
I have to rest days usually still reel off my warm-up routines at the last minute I closed after the 5. Get Ups with 16er 24er right after the bell and immediately caught another 5 min. refills. :) This has totally
thief and now I'm real danger that this happens to me on my days off again ... Well I tear myself together and pull the last 5 weeks Kettle Bell Muscle through and then have her in any case, a training day Get Up! : D Is that you

or something like that ever happened to you? Would be good to know that I am not the only one who every now and lose the focus ... :)

Best regards,


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I-catcher Console – Web Monitor ... China

Gandhi and the "emerging India" From the Ganges to

Albert Einstein once said about Mahatma Gandhi:
"Future generations will hardly believe that one as he is in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."

In the last two weeks I traveled through the western Indian state of Gujarat, Gandhi's home country. Here he was born, where he spent his childhood. From there he left for South Africa and here he has set for his return in 1915 Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad. There, Gandhi developed many of his ideas and spiritual and political concepts that made him famous.
If we even have a picture of a look out "half naked fakir" (as Winston Churchill has called him to start), you realize how timeless his ideals and ideas. I read Gandhi's autobiography at the moment "A Story of My Experiments with Truth". In Gandhi's youth and formative years, he is a fallible average person has weaknesses and is shy. He developed and is in constant communion with the conscience, it can also call God. The fact that an individual has inspired with his methods and values of a mass movement that ultimately forced the British Empire to its knees and made the Indians have become masters of themselves is amazing.
One can of course ask, under what circumstances violence and civil disobedience (Gandhi's maxim) are really effective and how you can compare the situation in India under the British colonial power with that of global crises and conflicts. Or another way: Is violence a la Gandhi a panacea? "If (...) surround 800 policemen in the night, a forest village begin to burn down the houses and shoot people help, then a hunger strike?" Writes as a sharp critic of the Indian government known scripture clean Arundhati Roy in an editorial a " Outlook "issue in September 2010. It brings it a reality for the Indian language. But
show us the wars of this world, most notably the Middle East conflict, again and again that violence and counter violence lead to a spiral of violence that are no longer or very difficult to break? The Iranian intellectuals Ramin Jahanbegloo, one of the main heads of the Iranian democracy movement says rightly: "Violence does not always work, but violence never works." In December, I visited Delhi in his fascinating presentation. It is interesting that the "green movement" on non-violence as an important value appeals. Gandhi is on the Iranian election protests by the summer of 2009 was an inspiring figure, so that the government has banned a book fair on books on Gandhi from the shelves. The Gandhi and his nonviolent Ideal obviously from those the power in the hand is perceived as a threat, says, yes for the power of its ideas.
But I will not walk back to Iran, but remain with India. The Sabarmati Ashram established by Gandhi is now a museum. You can visit the house where Gandhi lived ascetic. I feel inspired after visiting this place. A quote that I got there in the show read, has led me to some reflections on the country in which I drove in my childhood and which occupies most of this trip:
"My notion of democracy is that under it the weakest should have the same opportunities as the strongest ... True democracy can not be worked by twenty men sitting at the center. It has to be worked from below by the people of every village. "
(I summarize democracy so that under it the weakest should have the same opportunities as the strongest ... True democracy can not be twenty people in the center Sitting run. You must come from below, of the people from each village.)

Perhaps remind some readers of this blog or on the image that I had right after my arrival in India shot across the Pakistani border. I stand there in front of a sign reading "India - the largest democracy in the world - welcomes you". It is understandable that India promotes happy with this title is not without justification. India is a viable counter-proposal to the authoritarian and undemocratic neighbors China. At the same time in the media in recent years been the "emerging India" is mentioned, a super power in the fast lane, economically and politically. The battle for a seat on the Security Council, the software boom, outsourcing, growing middle class, Indian engineers, Indian billionaires.
It is easy to see how many people remain in all of this on the track. A few facts from Arundathi Roy's Article: A small group of one hundred millionaires in India holds 25 percent of gross domestic product in the hands of - 830 million Indians live of less than 20 rupees (0.35 euros) a day. Although India has the second highest Economic Growth in the world, where more people live together in poverty than in the 26 poorest African countries.
poverty is of course a matter of definition and does not necessarily mean suffering and misery. The largest slum in Asia in Mumbai, Dharavi, for example, is a fascinating microcosm of its cultural diversity, with its own rules and structures, high creativity and economic performance. Anyone who has seen "Slumdog Millionaire," knows the corresponding images. The people of Dharavi do not leave their slum and the government, which is after the precious land of the slums, in flats be resettled.
are many such examples: In many parts of India are suitable for large industrial corporations in the land of villagers and indigenous people. Whole communities are made equal by mines and dams to the ground, Coca-Cola has dug countless people through his great factories in drinking water. Arundathi Roy says: "The real power is in the hands of a handful of oligarchs - and we did judges, bureaucrats and politicians. They in turn are of the few companies that own everything in the country, as prices kept race horses. "
beggars and homeless people are regularly forced from the streets of metropolitan cities in trucks and transported away - last Delhi in the major event of the "Commonwealth Games" in October last year (the Olympics of the former British colonies). The dwellings of not less than 400,000 people have been virtually destroyed it overnight. They wanted to spare the visitors from all over the world the sight of poverty. Or, as Arundhati Roy writes cynically: "Maybe it fits all too well that what is left of our democracy will be flogged off for an event that was created to celebrate the British Empire." The British Empire, whose imperialist fetters Gandhi tried to break through his struggle for independence. But it seems as if today a relatively small group of Indians a large number of compatriots just caught in this bondage holds. Since
dominate the games huge corruption scandals and dirty headlines, Indian newspapers. The sums were spent on the Commonwealth Games are staggering, the amount of the originally planned budget is twenty times: nine billion dollars for a two-week sporting event! It is idle to imagine themselves, for what would have been useful purposes of this mountain of money can be used.

I have been in India all walks of life to know: Because of my weeks in the projects of the "Human Welfare Association, I was often in villages have, as last walked through slums in Ahmedabad. On the other hand, I have several days at a super rich family used to having a huge apartment with several servants. It must be said that many middle and upper classes can Indian domestic workers work for you, which is not to condemn so per se (it is then always surprised that we have something not in Germany). But the manner in which these two servants were treated in that household, seemed degrading. The two always kept her head lowered. They have been sitting on the floor and eat without ever hearing a word of thanks or recognition. In the morning, the father (a real estate tycoon) massage the feet of a servant, the suit jacket install and tighten the shoes can be. I married while my eyes and found that we left in Europe such feudal attitudes to happiness for some time behind us.
tens of millions of Indians to work as servants, chauffeurs or the lackeys of the new rich and middle classes. They toil on construction sites of the "emerging India" in shocking conditions and starvation wages. They build the shopping malls, skyscrapers, and mansions Apparmentsblocks they will never set foot in their lives.
In the socially critical international bestseller "The White Tiger" is used Arvand Adiga, who was praised by critics for its precise observation, the following drastisches Bild:

"Go to Old Delhi, behind the Jama Masjid, and look at the way they keep chickens there in the market. Hundreds of pale hens and brightly coloured roosters, stuffed tightly into wire-mesh cages, packed as tightly as worms in a belly, pecking each other and shitting on each other, jostling just for breathing space; the whole cage giving off a horrible stench - the stench of terrified, feathered flesh. On the wooden desk above this coop sits a grinning young butcher, showing off the flesh and organs of a recently chopped-up chicken, still oleaginous with a coating of dark blood. The roosters in the coop smell the blood from above. They see the organs of their brothers lying around them. They know they're next. They do not try to get out of the coop. The very same thing is done with human beings in this country. "

My free translation:
" Go on to Old Delhi, Jama Masjid behind, and look at how they keep the chickens in the market there. Hundreds of colorful roosters and hens pale, tightly packed into wire cages (...), as they hack at each other and each other beckacken, they gasp for breathing room, the whole cage smells awful - the smell of frightened, sprung on the meat. wooden bar to the cage sits a grinning young butcher and keeps the meat and the organs of a dissected chicken just (...). The cocks smell in the cage the blood from above. You see the bodies of their brothers lying around them. They know that they are next to it. Do not try to break out of the cage. Exactly the same is done in this country with people. "

are particularly strong this time I noticed the hierarchies in society. They are cemented by generations-old traditions of exclusion and Diskriminerung, just by a misinterpretation of religion and caste.
It is enough in the "general class" (the easiest class) of the Indian trains and you meet the people who do not benefit from India's economic boom in the least. They are dirty and unhygienic, mostly dark-skinned; they are loud, they chew tobacco, spit and urinate in the street. I too am sometimes disgusted, and keep my distance as a foreigner, I prefer from bulkheads. Anyone who has traveled several times to India knows this: To a certain extent blunts one against the ever-present misery.
On other days, there are also wonderful experiences: a family that invites you to tea, you asked for a photo and all the shit, in which she lives (because otherwise you can not call it), but brings a smile. I do not romanticize, but it is also this page. Many people have made life for survivalists who defy their way to their life circumstances. People who are familiar with India, know that one of this country, in many ways to extremes - very nice and do extremely horrible. The middle thing does not exist.
politicians and Indians who have brought money to assure to you that profitable economic growth reach all people and all. But the facts say otherwise. Nowhere in the world there is such a gaping difference between rich and poor as in India.

Sometimes it is also helpful and appropriate, not to focus on the negative, everything to look at the positives. India's philosophical and religious tolerance is impressive, as is the incredible cultural richness; also There are many NGOs and grassroots organizations that do great work - it's all I've also already written.
But what Gandhi would do at the sight of present conditions, is another question. His likeness adorns every dirty and torn rupee. His picture hangs in the offices of corrupt public officials and politicians, and anniversaries of Mahatma is often cited. "I conceive of democracy in a way that should have the same opportunities as the strongest among its most vulnerable," Gandhi said. The protagonist and leader of "emerging India" would do well to reflect on these words.

My recently published article on Pakistan-Zenith Online:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Collectable Duck Calls

Two Bells, Complexes and Chains ...

plays a little with a short video of my current conclusion taining.

am now after 7 weeks in the middle of the plan had arrived and the 2nd Weeks again since I do not the required power could bring. Looking back, was probably because my calories at the time were quite scarce ... After
I had increased the calories a bit and have installed a few extra high carb days, I was able to increase consistently. The brutality of the plan is that the load density from week to week more and more increasing and I am with the 2 16ern always on the limit move. Beginning next week, in addition to the complex chains also are running. The load density decreases slightly, but increases the stress intensity of neat. This will be definitely a few interesting weeks.
I give then at the end of the plan again notice how it went.
I will also try again with more comment, after I've done something rare here. 'm Definitely hard to read on ... :) Just left my Priorities just somewhere else ...

I wish you all a great weekend and lots of fun during training.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pendulum Clock Blueprint


Before our departure I made with my father one last boat ride on the Ganges at sunrise is a truly uplifting experience. For several days, the fog has cleared and we have seen a clear and majestic sunrise. The mood in the river and the ghats, the bathing steps, the play of light and color - all this does not seem to be of this world. It is one of those moments where you look in front of the majesty of creation and nature of small reserves by the ego disappears.

Varanasi and also from North India was the boat trip a farewell, the beginning of a journey new chapter. This morning at half past four I'm under 38 hours Train and 1600 km distance from the Sabarmati Express increased. But I'm not bored, and finally I had good company:

Larger Map

I am now in Ahmedabad, the capital of the western state of Gujarat, a India's economic miracle with explosive growth in numbers and also the home of Mahatma Gandhi. But more about that in my next entry.
am Today I walked through streets and markets, with traders drank tea, visiting mosques and temples and enjoyed spontaneous encounters. There is nothing better than those from real-life moments - whether a spice seller, a hairdressing salon, men in Rikschareparieren or chilling:

The kite flying is especially in northern India extremely popular not only in children. The sky on the day of full of colorful fluttering rags and the cities are full of children, roll out the strings and with nimble movements of the hand trying to keep their kites in the air. A popular game is to compete against each other and cut the dragons of the other by using skillful navigation of the kite string. The dragon is so opponents to crash and who catches the staggering Dragons may keep it. In Ahmedabad, there is even a kite museum, which I visited today. A week ago there was the largest kite festival in India and the trees are decorated with colorful kites hung-up.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Indian Boobs Different Types

Christmas and New Year with a difference

My first attempt in my Guest House in Sarnath something Christmassy to , Was a failure to make full line. I had promised my host family, German cookies to bake and I brought the Internet into a recipe for vanilla. After some searching I could find in the food shops, even walnuts and the mom of the house has specially prepared for me sugar.
But then a fateful mistake: I'll have a reddish-brown-looking meal that uses the Jain family for their chapatis. There is also an oven, unfortunately not, but this cake is cooked on a grill in a kind of grid-quality pan that you cover with a large metal lid. My Crescents are, unfortunately, after an hour of baking not as they should be, but gradually crumble or become as black as the Hindu goddess Kali. All the fun well: "you eat so in Germany,"
the end, I throw all Kekskrüppel in a bowl admit properly add milk and sugar and form it dark brown balls that taste with a little indulgence as an Indian candy is so mean. Creation still eaten.
my parents I first asked her Christmas visit to my vanilla bring to show me what I was doing this Adventstag actually.

Even a little bit sad I'm in the Advent season at times of Christmas market stalls and festive atmosphere. Fourth Advent I was after some travel back to Delhi, a few days later to pick up my parents from the Indira Gandhi International Airport.
propose at a late breakfast on the roof terrace of one of the many backpackers descending Paharganj I The Times of India "on. Since days buried under snow ourselves from Europe, the title page. This is my first winter without snow. Here it is noon time and I can sweater and scarf, which even in India are indispensable in the morning, wipe off again.
In Paharganj, which is also open during the Christmas season by many travelers from the West, some hard tracks can be found. In the shops Christmas hats are sold, the odd cafe has a small Christmas tree and a restaurant has really made an effort and designed his entire terrace with cotton-made snow. Apart from occasional
store decorations to remember in the streets of Christmas but rather little. At Connaught Place, the oversized Kreisvekehr of New Delhi, a few Santas are traveling in other em, this boy who does not know quite whether to look into the camera or not.

Since 23 December I travel around India with my parents. For my mother was alone worth the visit if only because they saw that I I have not changed too drastically and I'm still not entirely pleased by the meat. Apart from that, this Christmas Eve was probably the oddest Christmas we have ever experienced in family.
Our Christmas dinner besstand not from the traditional raclette, but of Indian breads, vegetables and sauces that are served on large metal plates. After Masala Dosa and Thali, we take a rickshaw to the Sacred Heart Cathedral, a large Catholic church, which is located in a tree-lined streets of the capital.

Before the gate to the church grounds already a long line with a colorful hodgepodge of Indians who were waiting for admission. On the sidewalk for a few days ago a small Christmas market is set up, but not with mulled wine stalls and hot waffles. Sit on the floor traders who sell crucifixes in all sizes, chains Jesus, Jesus pictures, candles, small plastic trees and all sorts of kitschy junk.
Behind us is in line for a group of young Indians, I think only for East Asians. They come from the state of Mizoram, which lies in the extreme eastern tip of India. This region encloses Bangladesh and is considered on a map, a geographical abnormality; alone therefore largely insulated from the rest of subcontinent. What I did not know is that a considerable part of the Christian people of this region is.
But before the Sacred Heart Cathedral, which disappears on Christmas Eve behind colorful lights, have long been not only Christians gathered, but it also came many Sikhs and Hindus. For them, Christmas is just another of the many religious festivals that are celebrated in India and Jesus another holy deity in the Hindu gods universe. Together with candles being lit in front of the chest joined hands to pray, just as usual in a Hindu temple. "You can only find this spirit in India," said a Hindu who comes here every year at Christmas.
At a booth will be issued against 5-rupee coupons tea, coffee and Veg-Burger. The Drive like a bit of a fair. Cliques of young people palaver, families push their way through to a beautifully decorated crib or a Christmas photo shoot - as we face the Sacred Heart Cathedral.
The doors of the churches, however, are closed. Instead it was on the lawn next door built a huge white tent, which can provide thousands of chairs to accommodate the masses (and still are sitting and standing people on the ground).
At 23 clock starts in the tent of the church choir with his program, equipped with distorted microphone, keyboard, and a mixture of English and Hindi carols. Just as "Silent Night" sung is to be, falls from power. The mic is silenced and half of the tent, bathed in darkness.
As the midnight Mass begins, the electricity returned to the happiness and the priest can hold his sermon. Where in our sacred organ sounds would be sound, here are the breaks with loud playback filled melodies that remind me unmistakably to Bollywood films.
The service lasted four hours and the tent is like a giant anthill. People come and go, everything is constantly in motion. At two clock circuit for us, my parents finally sits still jet lag in the bone. My mother has a large tin of Christmas cookies brought about which I am passionate Hermach ...

The last few days we have traveled through Rajasthan and the desert cities have been viewed Jaisalmer and Jodhpur. Of the year (mind you four and a half hours earlier than in good old Germany), I experience quite unspectacular in a train on the way to Varanasi, where I show my parents still for a few days old my short time home.
For me holding the new year but for now again ready new itineraries. In the nearly two months in the projects I have indeed inspiring impressions and contacts collected, but found no activity that might take me longer than this time in one place. My Hindi has been on a stable Treasure of sentences and phrases become stable, while traveling through India I always use.
But if there is one thing India his visitor, sometimes the hard way, teaching, then it is not necessarily peace, yoga and meditation, but simply the fact that most everything is very different than it was planned. And maybe after my cross country trip and the trip just in my mind no longer drive out so easily!
From January I will move me, then head south for the spring and am planning an even a trip to Nepal. But on plans in India, I had already written ...

I wish all my readers a round in 2011, a happy Forging of plans and the satisfaction that one or the other of which is true!

May the obstacles are not too many ...

And if they do, then you friends with them!