Saturday, January 1, 2011

Convertire Jar In Ipa


Happy new year to all and especially good luck in reaching your goals hopefully great!

is to achieve my goals I particularly late last year succeeded so well that I run full speed into the new year.
The greatest knowledge in the last year was that I must change me. That is, to work on myself to increase my knowledge to get out of my "comfort zone" even if it hurts:), things often change the outlook on to where I thought it would be stumbling blocks and obstacles for me and very important, again to listen more to my body and often times simply life. Functioning but not life.
What has also helped me a lot and help in the future is to be thankful for what I have achieved, especially for what I will achieve even more.

through my change has also changed a lot around me.
My family life was harmonious and balanced in recent months than ever before. All the new people know that I could all be optimistic and successful people who are fully in life. I have a new, better & more responsible job and my training and my projects are developing well.
pull all this in to my life because I always want more and my goals are getting bigger and not because I am unhappy with my previous job and life was.
I want to grow and change me even further in 2011.

The master plan for the new year will definitely further improve my body composition to be even fitter and to be concentrated in everyday life ...
the moment I'm very happy but it is even more determined!

In training I will rely more on kettlebells around here technically to become even better and continue with even at the weights still can.
Currently I train Geoff Neupert's plan from his book 16kg kettlebell with 2 Muscle Fitness Bells. Am now in the 3rd Weeks and can say that I am required by the plan preparation well in spite of Mark Reif child.

the map of Mark can be found here ...

I wish you all the best in the 1 Week of the year and am looking forward to the many good blog post from the many bloggers around me in 2011 ... :) Best wishes




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