Friday, December 31, 2010

How Long Does Pluerisy Take To Go

closure of the Holy Door

Today, it is unfortunately far
It closes in Santiago de Compostela, the Puerta Santa, the Holy Door: This is the Holy Year of St James pilgrimage officially over. The Archbishop of the pilgrimage town in the northern English province of Galicia, Julian Barrio Barrio, is grateful for the graces of the last twelve months.
Here are some pictures from the closure of the gates.

pictures from the ceremony

2nd Birthday Party Idea Blogs

New Blog "Koblenz pilgrims Meeting"

Hola Peregrinos
On the new blog Koblenz meeting pilgrims you learn the new dates and everything about the Koblenz meeting pilgrims or pilgrim forum. The offer comes from the Open City Church Koblenz.

Here again a big thank you to those responsible, which made this meeting lasting.

The pilgrims Forum will provide a platform for a new discussion forum for interested parties, with their own experiences - share routes - internal and external. Experienced or interested pilgrims are invited, therefore, quite particularly, but also the people who now can not go on such a path or want - and still "in transit" are in their own way - are welcome.
next meeting is on
  • Jan 06, 2011 at 19:00 clock in the City Church.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rosy Cheeks And Chin On Babies

dates pilgrims Forum 2011 in Koblenz

Hola pilgrim friends
Here are the new dates for the pilgrims forum in the City Church in Koblenz.

  • 6th January 2011
  • third 10th February 2011
  • 7th March 2011
  • 5th April 2011
  • 9th May 2011
  • June 2011
I am old and new acquaintances to meet again.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a healthy happy new year 2011.
your pilgrim Michael

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sayings For Cd Covers

From Ayodhya to the Dalai Lama

Since Thursday I'm back on the road: again northwest of Varanasi, as on 23 December come to my parents in India to meet with me to spend Christmas and New Year. With my mother, I will for nearly a week by the famous desert state of Rajasthan with its Camels, palaces, and colors of travel. New Year's Day are three of us at the Taj Mahal and then it goes again to Varanasi and Sarnath.

Yesterday morning I was in Ayodhya, one of the most important Hindu pilgrimage sites, he is the birthplace of the god Rama. But at the same time is a sad synonym for the Ayodhya Hindu-Muslim tensions that have in the past two decades have continually come to the surface.
Ayodhya in 1992, gained international notoriety when storming a mass of Hindus originally from the Mughal period Babri Mosque and full of determination to crack down until they collapsed to rubble and ashes. The Mosque, the radical Hindus have alleged is, on the birth Rama once stood. In the place they built a small temple.

Ayodhya these days is a dusty, chaotic town with a collection of temples. I do not know if currently playing time was hard, but the masses is the only way to move from temple temple. In some of them it is tough and chaotic, while in others there is a pleasant, quiet and reverent mood.
the controversial birth of Rama, however, resembles a high security prison. At the entrance to the complex, I have all my belongings to leave for money and passport in a wardrobe. First, write down all my details including visa and passport number. Then I passed a police officer on the snakes over and through large metal tunnel, surrounded by barbed wire and flanked by soldiers. All three times I have to pass through security gates and I scanned the whole body. Then, almost imperceptibly, I'll run past a small tent and have a quick look at the rather nondescript sanctuary throw that has such a violent history. A firm of Rama's birth temple was built yet, although it plans for the part of the Hindus are.
It will be pushed back by a long tunnel transitions back and land on a souvenir street, where Rama memorabilia will be offered. These include DVDs with footage of the fateful day in 1992, based on small televisions for showing be played. A bitter taste comes from this scene, as here, one of the darkest chapter of recent Indian history is treated. On 30
September, the Allahabad High Court has announced a crucial sentence, after which the piece of land between two groups of Hindu and Muslims should be split. This decision has caused big headlines in India and discussions, but feared the unrest of the Contractor. Perhaps the country has learned from the events of 1992 - one can hope it at least.

However India has a broad religious tolerance, which is deeply rooted in the majority population. India is the birthplace of several world religions and the country with the second highest Muslim population in the world. The former President of India was a Muslim, the current prime minister is a Sikh. Discrimination against religious minorities has no place here. In many cities there is a mosaic of different faiths coexist peacefully.
I've now heard from the mouth by no less than the Dalai Lama, for India and its ancient culture of violence (long before Mahatma Gandhi urinary disches thought) always been a source of inspiration. He has now called in his speech as a "messenger of the ancient Indian thought" (Ambassador of the ancient Indian thought). India is the land that he and the Tibetan government in exile for many decades offers.

Well, as things develop sometimes ... I am since yesterday evening in Lucknow, the capital of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. On the way from the station to my couch surfer I've already seen big posters announcing the Dalai Lama and his two day stay in the city. The timing could have been better for me. My host
Dhruv asked me last night simply: "Do you want to meet the Dalai Lama?". So we drove today for a conference on international jurisdiction and the future of the world, was guest of honor at the Dalai Lama. Just among the people including mix and is the motto. Many foreign peace activists in the audience and I fall at all on a white foreigner. I mix it with my camera under the Horde knips finished journalists and to approach the Dalai Lama. From a meter away (I am overwhelmed by this sudden close to this figure) are formed following photos:

Rarely have I seen a man with such charisma. You know the Dalai Lama so many pictures and videos and he is just as you have him in mind. Very simply and modestly dressed in the monk's robe and with a out of himself speaking charisma. It is only his charisma, the aura that moves and attracts all the people around him in the spell.
In his speech, he speaks of the things that everybody knows, which is each of his teachings and ideas have: to let the importance of compassion and religious harmony, non-violence and the need to follow every word and action. His words are equally important and memorable. But it is above all the manner with which he speaks, which impressed me. Simple sentences, very naturally, not with the usual phrases and expressions of most of the speeches. Next to him is another monk, the Dalai Lama proclaims at one point an English vocabulary - the translator for emergencies. In between jokes
spontant the Dalai Lama, and indisposed. Earlier in his speech, he says quite succinctly that he is hungry and why not say so long is. At the end he is grateful for the invitation and wished the conference every success, "But one thing I will criticize. There were too many ceremonies (formalities). I do not like. "
After his speech, I join a gathering of people who want to say a few words to the Dalai Lama. I push myself forward, a woman speaks to him briefly and then I see my chance. I give him the hand and thank you simply for his inspiring speech. Then I put aside two organizers.
It was a special moment that has come totally unexpected for me ... I am very grateful for this unexpected encounter.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How To Show My Cleavage

full weeks & Long days

Not at the moment is boring with me ...
There are no end to change and why my posts are somewhat scarcer than usual
I will just have 2 jobs and am fully clamped so the documentation of my diet and exercise level a bit too short.
From January, it will get quiet again and it does have a decent training schedule at the start & in the diet then I also have more time for the documentation ...
Until then I'll get a bissl rar and then start the new year in full.

Best wishes to all and a nice party with good slip in the connection,


Monday, December 6, 2010

Are Fruit Concentrates Good For You

training in late November early December

Monday 30.11.

Rest Day Tuesday


Early: Deadlift + Pull Ups
-Deadlift 1x10 @ 60kg, 1x10 @ 80kg, 1x10 @ 90kg, 1x6 @ 95kg, 2x4 @ 100kg
-Pull ups wide 1x10, 1x8, 1x7 @ BW
-Pull Ups narrow ( Parallel grip) 1x8, 1x8, 1x6 @ BW
-Chin Ups 1x7, 1x7, 1x7 @ BW

Wednesday 2.12.

Early: Strength & Conditioning Circle
-Squats 3x20 @ 20kg
-Lunges 3x20 @ 20kg
-Bent Over Rows 3x20 @ 20kg
-Dead lifts 3x20 @ 20kg
-floor press 3x20 @ 20kg
-Nose Breakers 3x20 @ 15kg
-biceps curls 3x20 @ 15kg
push ups 3x20 @ BW 3x1min

Thursday 3.12.

Rest Day Friday


Early: Kettlebell Swings
-1x20 @ 16kg
C & P 3x10, 4x5 @ 2x16kg
-KB Squats 5x10 @ 2x16kg 2x16kg
-swing @ 10x10

Saturday 5.12.

Rest Day

Sunday 6.12.

Rest Day

* Before and After Training Session each 15min. Walks & Joint mobility exercises

Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Prevent Camel Toe

Training November 4 Weeks

Monday 22.11.

Early: Deadlift Pull Ups +
-Deadlift 1x10 @ 60kg, 1x10 @ 80kg, 1X8 @ 90kg, 1x6 @ 90kg, 1x6 @ 90kg Pull Ups
-wide 1x9, 1x8, 1x7 @ BW
-Pull Ups close (parallel grip) 1x8, 1x7, 1x6 @ BW
Chin-ups 1x7, 1x7, 1x7 @ BW

High Carb, F: 45 DH: 295 E: 165

Tuesday 23.11.

Early: Kettlebells
-Get ups 1x4 @ 16kg / 4x2 @ 24kg
C & P 2x5 @ 16kg / 2x3, 4x2, 1x1 @ 24kg
-Swings 45/45 = 5x31 @ 24kg

Low Carb, F: 165 KH: 45 E: 165

Wednesday 24.11.

Recovery Walk 30min.

High Carb, F: 30 DH: 235 E: 145

Thursday 25.11.

Early: EDT
- Dbl KB Press @ 2x16kg
44x - 44x Pull Ups @ BW
- Pistols @ 12kg 28x
- 1 Leg deadlift 28x @ 2x16kg

- Hanging Leg Raises 1x10, 1x7, 1x7

High Carb, F:45 KH:310 E:180

Friday 26.11.

Früh: Skill Training
- Human Flag
- Front Lever
- Handstand

High Carb, F:40 KH:200 E:150

Saturday 27.11.

Früh: VO2MAX
-VO2MAX 50 sets

Low Carb, F:160 KH:60 E:160

Sunday 28.11.

-Walk 2h

High Carb, F:10 KH:105 E:25

*Before & After each Trainingsession 15min. Walks & Joint mobility exercises

P.S. Hab am Sonntag gefastet, da ich mir einen small intestinal infection had been captured ...

Allen a great week,


Thursday, November 25, 2010

How Long Can U Use A Cbt For

lecture Pictures at an Exhibition and

In Lahnstein Nassau Deanery was held an exhibition about the Camino de Santiago instead.

"The Pilgrimage" is an exhibition of the rectory for Social Responsibility Rhein-Lahn overwritten from 10 to 24 November in the conference room of the Protestant Dean Nassau was seen in Lahnstein. Pilgrims presented therein their favorite photos from Germany, Switzerland and Spain. The exhibition was opened

on Wednesday 10 November 19 clock with the movie "pilgrims in French," a charming comedy from France. For the following discussion will be tapas and English wine served.

The exhibition ended on Wednesday 24 November 19 clock with a lecture on "The Road to Santiago and pilgrimage routes in the Rhein-Lahn-Kreis. Officer Franz-Josef Polite, pilgrim officer of the St. James Society, the information is delivered to pilgrimages near and far.
Here are a few pictures of the talk.

Rev. Matthias Metzger

Hans Walter r prepared tapas before.

Space was informative exhibition seasons and lots of pictures around fitted around the pilgrims

Pastor Matt Metzger and Franz Josef Polite

Franz-Josef politely goes into the P Farrer Matthew Metzger presented a gift

summary of the day: According to an interactive presentation of Franz-Josef politely came on at Vino Tinto Tapas and Tarta de Santiago very interesting conversations between the pilgrims.
'm looking forward to a continuation of this unique event.
Ultreia y Buen Camino susseia


Monday, November 22, 2010

Multicameraframe Normal Size Seks

Life is a party!

In the four weeks I now have in Varanasi / Sarnath'm there almost every week two or three parties. So many gods such as Hinduism, it seems so many parties here to give.
is usually said to me before each festival, now that the big event is and I see it absolutely must. The next festival is still lots and lots of beneficial and auspicious than the previous ... In fact, I seem to be here and on the ghats of Varanasi is always something going on in celebration of the most intense time of the year!
ubiquitous was the banging in the last few weeks, and not with paltry fireworks, which are produced as with us for some stupid safety regulations. But with real (Probably even to hand craft) bombs. Once or twice is such a thing blew up next to me and made me numb for a few moments. The children in any case have their fun.

A few images of life on the ghats (to enlarge click to contact). The Ghats are not only bathing stairs and place of various ceremonies, but also boat street, wash and dry place, Kuhbadewanne, and hair salon:

A celebration in honor of Krishna. Every inch on the steps, on balconies and houses and the river is busy. After the show trample all happening at once and the shoving and the crowd is perfect once again. The police just look tired and chewing around on their Beteltabak that paints the red spittle.

Yesterday, Dev Dipawali - the great festival in honor of Rama. The complete Ghats are lit by small lights. The Dasaswamedh Ghat is populated by masses on this auspicious full moon day (Purnima Karthik) a piece of the special energy gotten like. The scene, viewed from a boat is truly unique:


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Best Jeans For Petite Junior

Training November 3rd

Monday 15.11.

Early: Deadlift + Pull Ups
-Deadlift 1x10 @ 60kg, 1x10 @ 80kg, 1x7 @ 90kg, 1x5 @ 90kg, 1x5 @ 90kg
-Pull ups wide 1x8, 1x8, 1x7 @ BW
-Pull Ups narrow ( Parallel grip) 1x7, 1x6, 1x6 @ BW
-Chin Ups 1x6, 1x5, 1x5 @ BW

High Carb, F: 55 DH: 310 E: 165

Tuesday 16.11.

Early: Kettlebells
-Get ups 16kg @ 1x4 / 1x1, 2x2, 1x1 @ 24kg
C & P 16kg @ 2x5 / 2x3, 4x2, 1x1 @ 24kg Swings
-11min. 30/30 = 11x20 @ 24kg

Low Carb, F:210 KH:50 E:145

Wednesday 17.11.

-Recovery Walk 30min.

High Carb, F:45 KH:310 E:145

Thursday 18.11.

Früh: EDT
- Dbl. KB Press 42x @ 2x16kg
- Pull Ups 42x @ BW
- Pistols 24x @ 12kg
- 1 Leg deadlift 24x @ 2x16kg

- Hanging Leg Raises 1x10, 1x6, 1x6

High Carb, F:60 KH:360 E:180

Friday 19.11.

Früh: Skill Training
- Human Flag
- Front Lever
- Handstand

Low Carb, F:140 KH:35 E:120

Saturday 20.11.

Early: VO2MAX
-VO2MAX 70 sets

Lunch: Chest
Ring Dips 2x8, 1x7 @ BW
push ups 3x20 @ BW
ring dips holds 1x30sec, 1x30sec..

Low Carb, F: 150 Carbohydrate: 50 E: 145

Sunday 21.11.


High Carb, F: 50 DH: 245 E: 145

* Before and After Training Session each 15min. Walks & Joint mobility exercises

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Old Time Movie Cameras

arrival and course Caminho Portugues Camino 03/26/2011

Hola Peregrinos
Here is my planned arrival and the course of my Caminos:

  • 26/03/2011 10:00 Depart Frankfurt Hahn Clock
  • Arrival Porto 11:35 clock
  • departure from Porto with speech Expressos at 13:00 After Fatima atlantico garage on the Rua de Battaglia
  • arrival Fatima 15:00
  • 03/26/2011 19:30 clock departure Fatima Av. Dom Jose Alves Correia da Silva
  • Arrival Porto 21:30 clock
  • 27.03. 2011 Start of the Caminho from the Cathedral of the Matoshino port (Mercardo) to Vila do Conde - Arcos - Rates.und continue as described below.
03/29/2011 31/03/2011
first Days 03/26/2011 Arrival Porto Raynair

03/26/2010 By bus from Porto to Fatima and back
second Days 27/03/2010 Porto - Vila do Conde 22

Vila do Conde - Arcos 9.8

Arcos - Rates 3.9
3. Tag 28.03.2011 Rates - Barcelos 15.5

Barcelos - Portela de Tamel 9.3
4.Tag Portela Tamel - Ponte de Lima 24.3
5.Tag 30.03.2011 Ponte de Lima - Rubiao 17.1
6.Tag Rubiao - Valencia - 15.3

Valença - Tui 4
7. Tag 01.04.2011 Tui - Porriño 15.7

Porriño - Me 5.3

Me - Redondela 9.4
8.Tag Redomdela 04/02/2011 - Faro 17.3

Paulo - Portela 11.7
9. Tag 03.04.2011 Portela - Brialles 6.4

Brialles - Caldas de Reis 4.8

Caldas de Reis - Standard 18.3
10.Tag 04.04.2011 Standard - Teo 10.4

Teo - Santiago 13.1
11th Days 05/04/2011 Santiago de Compostella - Negreira 22.1
12th Days 06/04/2011 Negreira-Olveiroa 33.2
13th Days 07/04/2011 Olveiroa - Finisterra 31.9
14th Days 08/04/2011 Ersatztag 0
15th Days 04/09/2011 Finisterra - by bus to Santiago 0
16. Days 10/04/2011 departure Santiago-Frankfurt 0

Route compilation and the journey I partly thanks to the many Forum participants from the various forums.

a great help to me was the map by John Brierley Camino Portugues of outdoor leaders by Raymond Joos Caminho Portugues, and again and again revised Hostel List of Paderborn Jakob friends Contraseña

VO2MAX weeks in the small garden

I was this morning, the sensation in our small garden ... :)

The sun was shining and the air was wonderful and there I have a short hand to decide the unit to make VO2MAX outdoors.

I could almost feel the beliefs of our new neighbors garden. ;)
"There are indeed new and the whole thing is very strange and does lots of such funny things.."
I myself enjoyed themselves immensely ...

inspired from that, I have the same time made a new PR in Snatcher.
VO2MAX 70 packs with 7 reps every 15 seconds = 245 per arm Snatches in 35 min

A very awesome workout, which I repeat in any case next week if the weather cooperates.

a good weekend all:))


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why Are There No Scottish Free Bmds

Training November 2nd New goals

Monday 8.11.

Early: Chest Training
-1). One Arm Push Ups 1x5, 1x6 @ BW
-2.) Ring Dips 1x5, 1x6 @ BW
-3.) KB Floor Press 2x6 @ 24kg
-4.) Diamant Push Ups 2x8 TUT 20sec. @ BW

Mittag: BWE Training
-1.) Pistols with holding on Rings + Pull Ups 5x15 @ BW
-2.) Handstand holds 5x30sec.
-3.) Rings Dips holds 5x30sec.
-4.) Planks 3x1min.

High Carb, F:60 KH:500 E:240

Tuesday 9.11.

Früh: Back Training
-1.) Pull Ups 2x8, 1x7 @ BW
-2.) KB rows 3x8 @ 24kg
-3.) Band rows 3x12 @ blue Band

Mittag: "Coaching"

Low Carb, F:165 KH:35 E:135

Wednesday 10.11.

-Recovery Walk 30min.

High Carb, F:45 KH:280 E:140

Thursday 11.11.

Früh: EDT
- Dbl. KB Press 39x @ 2x16kg
- Pull Ups 39x @ BW
- Pistols 24x @ 12kg
- 1 Leg deadlift 24x @ 2x16kg

- Hanging Leg Raises 1x10, 1x6, 1x5

High Carb, F:50 KH:280 E:165

Friday 12.11.

Früh: Skill Training
- Human Flag
- Front Lever
- Handstand

Low Carb, F:155 KH:50 E:140

Saturday 13.11.

-VO2MAX 22 sets
-Ring Dips 2x6 @ BW
Ring Dips holds 1x30sec., 1x40sec.

Low Carb, F: 195 Carbohydrate: 35 E: 150

Sunday 14.11.


High Carb, F: 60 DH: 230 E: 105

* Before and After Training Session each 15min. Walks & Joint mobility exercises

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Have White Stuff Building Up In My Clitoris

I have in recent weeks and months with a lot of exercises and training services, experimenting and now I think the right thing to have found for me.
After I recently received a huge food for thought regarding my goals got in, I sat down and formulated the goals really inspired me.
because I had too much lately on the plan, which the focus on the important stuff went down slightly.
My motivation is on a high, as I had seldom before.
is the main reason can coach that I am what my training and my diet and so far as have many now see more clearly than before.
I'm very curious where it goes now.


Best regards,
