Saturday, November 20, 2010

Old Time Movie Cameras

arrival and course Caminho Portugues Camino 03/26/2011

Hola Peregrinos
Here is my planned arrival and the course of my Caminos:

  • 26/03/2011 10:00 Depart Frankfurt Hahn Clock
  • Arrival Porto 11:35 clock
  • departure from Porto with speech Expressos at 13:00 After Fatima atlantico garage on the Rua de Battaglia
  • arrival Fatima 15:00
  • 03/26/2011 19:30 clock departure Fatima Av. Dom Jose Alves Correia da Silva
  • Arrival Porto 21:30 clock
  • 27.03. 2011 Start of the Caminho from the Cathedral of the Matoshino port (Mercardo) to Vila do Conde - Arcos - Rates.und continue as described below.
03/29/2011 31/03/2011
first Days 03/26/2011 Arrival Porto Raynair

03/26/2010 By bus from Porto to Fatima and back
second Days 27/03/2010 Porto - Vila do Conde 22

Vila do Conde - Arcos 9.8

Arcos - Rates 3.9
3. Tag 28.03.2011 Rates - Barcelos 15.5

Barcelos - Portela de Tamel 9.3
4.Tag Portela Tamel - Ponte de Lima 24.3
5.Tag 30.03.2011 Ponte de Lima - Rubiao 17.1
6.Tag Rubiao - Valencia - 15.3

Valença - Tui 4
7. Tag 01.04.2011 Tui - Porriño 15.7

Porriño - Me 5.3

Me - Redondela 9.4
8.Tag Redomdela 04/02/2011 - Faro 17.3

Paulo - Portela 11.7
9. Tag 03.04.2011 Portela - Brialles 6.4

Brialles - Caldas de Reis 4.8

Caldas de Reis - Standard 18.3
10.Tag 04.04.2011 Standard - Teo 10.4

Teo - Santiago 13.1
11th Days 05/04/2011 Santiago de Compostella - Negreira 22.1
12th Days 06/04/2011 Negreira-Olveiroa 33.2
13th Days 07/04/2011 Olveiroa - Finisterra 31.9
14th Days 08/04/2011 Ersatztag 0
15th Days 04/09/2011 Finisterra - by bus to Santiago 0
16. Days 10/04/2011 departure Santiago-Frankfurt 0

Route compilation and the journey I partly thanks to the many Forum participants from the various forums.

a great help to me was the map by John Brierley Camino Portugues of outdoor leaders by Raymond Joos Caminho Portugues, and again and again revised Hostel List of Paderborn Jakob friends


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