Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why Are There No Scottish Free Bmds

Training November 2nd New goals

Monday 8.11.

Early: Chest Training
-1). One Arm Push Ups 1x5, 1x6 @ BW
-2.) Ring Dips 1x5, 1x6 @ BW
-3.) KB Floor Press 2x6 @ 24kg
-4.) Diamant Push Ups 2x8 TUT 20sec. @ BW

Mittag: BWE Training
-1.) Pistols with holding on Rings + Pull Ups 5x15 @ BW
-2.) Handstand holds 5x30sec.
-3.) Rings Dips holds 5x30sec.
-4.) Planks 3x1min.

High Carb, F:60 KH:500 E:240

Tuesday 9.11.

Früh: Back Training
-1.) Pull Ups 2x8, 1x7 @ BW
-2.) KB rows 3x8 @ 24kg
-3.) Band rows 3x12 @ blue Band

Mittag: "Coaching"

Low Carb, F:165 KH:35 E:135

Wednesday 10.11.

-Recovery Walk 30min.

High Carb, F:45 KH:280 E:140

Thursday 11.11.

Früh: EDT
- Dbl. KB Press 39x @ 2x16kg
- Pull Ups 39x @ BW
- Pistols 24x @ 12kg
- 1 Leg deadlift 24x @ 2x16kg

- Hanging Leg Raises 1x10, 1x6, 1x5

High Carb, F:50 KH:280 E:165

Friday 12.11.

Früh: Skill Training
- Human Flag
- Front Lever
- Handstand

Low Carb, F:155 KH:50 E:140

Saturday 13.11.

-VO2MAX 22 sets
-Ring Dips 2x6 @ BW
Ring Dips holds 1x30sec., 1x40sec.

Low Carb, F: 195 Carbohydrate: 35 E: 150

Sunday 14.11.


High Carb, F: 60 DH: 230 E: 105

* Before and After Training Session each 15min. Walks & Joint mobility exercises


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