Sunday, October 31, 2010

Watch Me Masterbate For You

access route to the Eifel Camino of Santiago Lonnig

pilgrimage Today I in glorious autumn weather, the access route to the Eifel Camino Lonnig of Minke box scores, Polch, living up Mayen
He sometimes well marked and follows scores of old Bahntrassse better known as a cycle path to Mayen . Here are some pictures from the walk.
here at the church in Lonnig a manhole cover with shell logo
side the church is a stele. Here starts the path. First it goes through the village and follow a road until just before Minkelfeld
shells show the way
Also in the Heiligenhäusschen
behind this guide we went left into a dirt road. I followed this to turn anywhere without until shortly before the scores. After another right and then left again I came on the bike path. Sadly missed at least two references as it went.
My constant companion
nursing Polch In my first hunger on Polcher station. There I also got my stamp on the pilgrim pass.
went through three different lengths of tunnels and viaducts, it then living up Mayen, where I took the bus back to Koblenz.
Ultreja y Buen Camino

Help With Polo Sport Cable Lock

Functional week ...

This week I replaced my training, and the second time and was still feeling well trained to have.
on Monday was originally my severe KB Complex day on the plan. The
was replaced by a 2 hour short hand garden action.
It was time to dig the ground and the whole hand ... :)
I can remember how much my Limp back had made when I had earlier dug in the garden with my father.
This time everything was ready and it went without a break throughout in a jerk.
Also on the day after no trace of soreness.
On Wednesday I was back in the garden and this time I had the 16er KB luggage.
By then I also ne short unit laid. A small
KB Complex was scheduled. After that, I still have a few snatches made and tested the capacity of my cherry tree. :))
As a conclusion I have a handstand under difficult conditions tried. :)

Friday was Skill Training on the plan and we have pulled through.
hours on Saturday would again be followed by a KB Complex. Was replaced with a 4 hours' work used. We have made
screed at the Old School Style. :) With mixer, bucket, cement and sand ...

Here I have primarily used the opportunity to charge my weak side. Is on my right ...
About shoveled right. That was the beginning to get used to after a while and went really well.
That was something I used to do always wrong to work. Heavy bags, buckets, etc., only with my strong side, thereby moving charged fairly one-sided.
Since I train because I pay a lot more going for.

conclusion of the week: through functional training where I train my body as a unit, such work assignments not stress me some more.

wishes everyone a great week


PS The skill training is paying off slowly ... :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gay Meeting Place Syracuse Ny

Pavel Tsatsouline, the Fresh Academy, your major goals, NLP & the Law of Attraction ...

2 years ago much to me the book Peak principle of Marty Gallagher is the first time in his hands. At first I thought that the contents of the book completely uninteresting for my goals was then. A completely stripped down climbers (my first impression, sorry) who wanted to tell me something about bodybuilding and muscle building.
I've started to read it only because my training partner at the time again and the book began and reported very interesting things.
On the evening when I started to read the book, I can still remember very well. The way the author wrote the book was from the beginning, totally motivating. I think 3 days later I had to change the book by and I started my whole life. At first unconsciously, rather ...
My friend at the time had been the second book by Jürgen ready. Peak Power ...
have parallel to the second book I started the podcasts of heard. There were so many new things that einprasselten on me that I was totally overwhelmed sometimes with as much input ... :)
The third book was then already a must for me because I was and am totally thrilled with Pavel Tsatsouline's training methods and nutrition plans.
In the third book is Peak Time Jürgen (Neuro Linguistic Programming), then something closer to the subject received NLP and also in the podcast I was able to learn something.
The issue has attracted me then and somehow I've even been looking, for that is what it is still so in the network.
What I found was in retrospect with the best that happened to me the last few years! I went to the Academy and its Fresh Fresh Up NLP podcast. # start or
The first episodes of the podcast I did at the beginning of high and one down, because at that time where I became aware of him there were not many consequences. Now I wait every week to Wednesday, where the new episode comes.
Marc A. Pletcher, Ralf Gerstenlauer and Wiebke Lüth, my entire view of things and what still has much more value that changed me completely.
I've never been so balanced, full of positive energy and full of energy as I it's me since I listen to the podcast.
The combination Powerquestcc & NLP Podcast Fresh up have made my life completely to the positive on the head.
The best example are my goals I've put myself ... A short time ago I would not expect from me a lot and often I have given up too soon ... will now, I am totally self-confident, know what I and reach my goals. I did not bring any more stress, and the rest I can only do yourself I understand that only I take complete control and responsibility for my life and it feels so good ...
It all started so inconspicuous small, with only a book and now has much Trip included that it could be a scary.
is the most violent in the matter ... There are not even 2 years and I've achieved more than 5 years before ...
Every day is really exciting and I love my life more and more ...
I write not to say that I hope this here for one or the other what is ... I know it ...

Have fun in a cooler future with great goals, good feelings and brilliant training.


Jürgen PS Thanks for the peak trilogy & Power Quest 1 +2 thank you, Marc, Wiebke, Ralf for the Fresh Up Podcast and thanks to you Andrew:) You roll the ball to be related ...

Poptropica Unlimited Credits

Training October 3 Weeks

Monday, 10.18.

Early: Complex @ 16kg Kettlebell Swing 5x8
-OA / 8
-OA High Pull 5x8 / 8
-OA Snatch 5x8 / 8
-Negative Press 5x8 / 8

-Dbl. KB swing @ 10x10 2x16kg
finisher: Pull Ups 8x5 @ BW
High Carb upward, F: 85 DH: 455 E: 220

Tuesday, 10.19.

Low Carb underneath, F: 220 Carbohydrate: 60 E: 150

Wednesday, 20.10.

Early: Kettlebell Complex @ 16kg
-OA Clean 5x5 / 5
-KB Squat 5x5 / 5
-OA Push Press 5x5 / 5
negatives Press 5x5 / 5

-Dbl. KB Clean @ 10x10 2x16kg
finisher: Pull Ups 5x5 @ BW
Low Carb underneath, F: 210 Carbohydrate: 90 E: 180

Thursday, 21.10.

Low Carb underneath, F: 205 Carbohydrate: 70 E: 185

Friday, 22.10.

Early: Skill Training
Low Carb underneath, F: 220 Carbohydrate: 85 E: 170

Saturday, 23.10.

Early: Kettlebell Complex @ 16kg
-OA Swing 5x3 / 3
-OA Snatch 5x3 / 3
-Negative Press 5x3 / 3
-Pistol Squat 5x3 / 3

finisher: Pull Ups 3x5 @ BW
High Carb hold, F: 75 DH: 350 E: 230

Sunday, 24.10.

Low Carb underneath, F: 215 Carbohydrate: 60 E: 185

Monday, October 25, 2010

Spectrum Gym Cost San Antonio

lecture in Andernach

The road to himself

The pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, in modern times again increased in the interest of People moved. Be on your way to leave everyday life behind you - this is a great desire of our time. Many people are looking more than a few days of relaxation, they discover the ancient tradition of pilgrimage in itself. Finally, the pilgrims is one of the oldest spiritual practices of mankind.

In a pilgrim and film review show and Alex Franz Blaeser Göddertz what they have experienced on your way home from Mies to Santiago de Compostela and would like to share your experiences of landscapes, culture and sights. Who has to prepare questions, hostels and packing list, the experience that night.

The lecture will take place on

Monday, 08 November 2010 at 19.00 clock
in the hotel "Zum Stadion" in Andernach Stadium Street 10

Registration is not required. Admission is free. Who could have enjoyed the previous day then give a donation to the Cancer Society Rheinland-Pfalz Koblenz eV

information there are Franz Blaeser Tel: (0 26 32) 7 18 06

Riddles About Retirement

India is different

in Three and a half months eight different countries (most of them Islamic), I have found: India is different. Chaotic, loud, colorful, smelly, dirty, lively, diverse.
It surprised me but how the country has confronted me in the first two weeks with a completely new experience, although not new to India, so really for me.

Beyond the border with Pakistan is the first geographically logical stop on the overland route, the holy city of the Sikhs, Amritsar. This religion, of which little is spoken with us, was the 15th Century by Guru Nanak founded, who wanted to combine the best elements from the two main religions of India, Hinduism and Islam. At the same time he objected to certain practices, such as the Hindu caste system and preached the equality of men and women.

The famous Golden Temple of Sikhs in Amritsar is a magical place, especially in the morning and evening mood. people of all beliefs and religions (including atheism) are in the temple complex and the inner sanctum welcome. The service to others is accepted on this site very seriously. As a foreigner, I could spend the night with other backpackers only for a donation in the dormitory. Moreover, the food in the huge communal kitchen of the temple is free and at all hours of unpaid volunteer (I served myself for two hours hundreds of people poured tea).

If you want to know India, you must select the transport of people and go at least once with the Indian Railways. A few, I think, interesting facts about the Indian Railways, which I found on Wikipedia:
The Indian Railways are more than 1.6 million employees (this is almost Hamburg) one of the largest employers in the world. The rail network is 64,015 kilometers, the fourth largest in the world (which is more than one and a half times the circumference of the equator). The Indian Railways have 5 billion passengers per year (world population: 6.9 billion people). Accordingly, every Indian on average about four times per year train ride.
my first ride in an Indian train for three years, confirmed to me in physical form all these facts. As the train from Delhi to Mathura is announcing all of a sudden jump or previously lethargic on the platform squatting, sleeping and eating people and run after the train still rolling up. The inputs of the third class are already blocked before the train comes to a halt. For passengers on the train is not to think about exiting, they have to squeeze through the masses, the first attempt to invade the compartments and a of the few seats to get hold of. Some use the open windows (no glass) for entry and exit. The noise level is enormous, it is pushed, kicked, nagging and scolding. I never thought that I would miss the perceived by me else as bourgeois and petty-bourgeois German discipline and order that way. As a passenger, with the largest number of clear bags and backpacks (my luggage has felt doubled during this trip), I waive participation in this fight and take up the position of the amused observer.
with my third class ticket, I'm heading into the second class in which the situation a little more relaxed is. Here, too, to a seat not to think (which are designed for three people benches already occupied by seven people), but at least I can breathe between my bags in the reception area on the wind. In the Indian trains, the doors are open while driving. If you take good notes (the trains go faster than rare German Regionalbimmelbahnen), you can keep your head out of the train. At each station, mobile sales flow from the platform onto the train and shout with penetrating robotic voices either "cold drinks", "tea", "snacks" or to praise their toys, jewelry or newspapers. During the journey, usually provide any musical beggar with fiddles or drums for entertainment. Some of them are not bad and here I'll give you a ticket out of hand. The many other beggars, it is questionable to me what happened with the money eventually. Too many cases are there in India organized Mafiabettelei family and alcoholic fathers. After two and a half hours I'm
in Mathura, the birthplace of the Hindu god Krishna, to. India is bursting at the seams and will replace in the foreseeable future as China's most populous country in the world. And yet - and that's the fascinating thing about this country: India works, it follows its own rules and breaks, despite the diversity of its languages, Cultures, religions, beliefs, political beliefs (and what a nice categories, there is still everything) does not deal in its many parts. The "world's largest democracy", which is a factually correct, but somewhat hollow book to hide behind so many aspects and contradictions (in my time in India I'll probably be able to write books about it).
Dealing with these issues and contradictions I find very exciting, both practical (it is sufficient to face in a medium-sized Indian city on a cross) and theoretically. Mathura and Vrindavan

, birth and childhood home of Krishna are holy Cities for the Hindus. But at the same Mathura has a large Muslim community, next to the birth of Krishna temple is a large mosque of the Mughal period. India has 140 million Muslims - more than any country in the Middle East. After Indonesia and Pakistan, India is third among the states with the largest Muslim population.
Especially me covered but in Mathura and Vrindavan, the dirt and the many animals. All of the following cliché, it is mainly cows, but also pigs and dogs, the feel on top in the marshy waste dumps by the roadside.

I also bring a half hour so that, at a watching the monkeys at the temple hill mutual delousing. I have almost forgotten what a great offer for acting wild monkeys!

last few days I was in Bhopal, famous for the terrible gas disaster of 1984, which has thousands of people directly and in the years after that cost the life. The Internet is sufficient information about the various consequences of the worst industrial Disasters of all time. The factory is still standing and still is the water and the soil in the immediate vicinity of the site contaminated. The slum nestle directly to the walls of the former industrial complex, murals show there: "25 years of struggle (at) justice and dignity "and" 25 years of treason ".
It can turn around one of the stomach at the thought that the responsibility of chief executive, who then chaired the U.S. firm Union Carbide, now spends a carefree retired life in the States. India's call for the extradition of Anderson, the U.S. is not fulfilled.
I can not enter the factory and are informed by reading a newspaper Guardian in the plastic chair to the required special permit. Later, my host rightly warns me before are still significant health risk.

Rumreisen The first has its end. Tomorrow I'll arrive in Varanasi and me to settle there. Even under the stars, exactly where I am and how my tasks are in the shape of terre des hommes-supported projects in the region. On verra ... My next entry I will probably write a fresh volunteers.

Monday, October 18, 2010

How To Make A Sidekick 09 Prepaid

changes / adjustments

conclusion of last week ...

I'm really difficult time in training up a gear down. Fortunately, around a week and I can give more gas. :)
The week was my ride to work on holiday, that was ok
way I'm on Mo. / Wed / Thu / Fri. been on a bicycle to work.
am So I got to 18km in those days, which is probably still under active regeneration.
food runs according to plan.
now I am loud at 72kg and 11% KFA scale. Which I dare not on the way and I would rather be measured by waist circumference alongside. They are now 76cm.

conclusion after 6 weeks: 06:09:10 = 74kg and 79cm waist / 18:10:10 = 72kg and 76cm waist.
is already awesome as I can change my body composition when I know my level of support and just write down my calories. The plan was so simple really ...
High Carb Loading days every 10 days otherwise überkalorisch Low Carb unterkalorisch.
Then, each week 100 calories less in Wochendurschnitt and see because it works.

Have now begun every 5 days on high carb switch for driving the Ladetag every 10 days not so überkalorisch. The high carb days in between permanent I am on my respective holding level ...
With the new plan is determined what the next 6 weeks.
My energy level is currently extremely high, which is probably because the VO2MAX training.

Until then,

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Training October 2nd week (Loose week) training

Monday, 10.11.

Early: Kettlebells / 100reps
-Snatch 5min. 117reps. @ 16kg
One Arm Push-Up left / right. 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1
per-Diamond Push-Pull Up 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2
Ups 3x5
Low Carb underneath, F: 195 Carbohydrate: 70 E: 170

Tuesday, 12.10.

keep quiet
High Carb, F: 55 DH: 425 E: 230

Wednesday, 13.10.

Early: Skill Training
Low Carb underneath, F: 195 Carbohydrate: 85 E: 165

Thursday, 10.14.

Low Carb underneath, F: 185 Carbohydrate: 55 E: 175

Friday, 10.15.

Early: VO2MAX
-55 sets
Low Carb underneath, F: 200 Carbohydrate: 85 E: 165

Saturday, 16.10.

Low Carb underneath, F: 180 Carbohydrate: 55 E: 170

Sunday, 10.17.

Low Carb underneath, F: 195 Carbohydrate: 50 E: 150

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pokemon Roms Nintendo Ds Mac

5th Eifel

The Fifth Way of St. James-stage leads on 10/10/2010 by Enderttal.

to start on the pilgrimage Sunday 10 October at 9:30 am Kloster Maria Martental clock. The trail leads through the Enderttal upstream to Alflen. There we visit the parish church of St John the Baptist. After lunch we continue to Schmitt, a place of pilgrimage Gillenbeuren Driesch. The local
Sanctuary Mater Dolorosa, from the 15th Century, in the Eifel is a famous pilgrimage station after 16 kilometers and forms the conclusion of the 5th Camino pilgrim stage.
began began our pilgrimage with a Mass and the obligatory pilgrimage blessing.
small impulse of thought
parish church of St John the Baptist in Alfen

you know the

and is in many places
The final was held in the Sanctuary of Mater Dolorosa to Driesch.
Then we went to Lutzerrath where we had the opportunity to eat some cake or hot sausage. The return by Maria Martental was very organized.
All in all a very well organized by the St Matthias Pilgertag Brotherhood Mayen.

Out Door Straw Boiler

Finally India!

In Istanbul you have warned me to stay in Eastern Turkey - too dangerous, because too many terrorists down. In eastern Turkey, I was discouraged by Iran - many religious extremists, poor country. In Iran, people have beaten up his hands over his head when I said that I want to travel to Pakistan. In Germany, I was advised in advance of travel in different combinations of one or another area.
did I last a week in Pakistan spent. The floods and the unpredictable security situation (on the Iran-Pakistan border and in the Indus) have let me finally get it on the plane. This decision was a difficult birth, I would still break my dream of a land route to India.
from the Iranian city of Bander Abbas I fly in just half an hour, the Persian Gulf in a small Russian machine and do includes three days in Dubai. After a month in Iran (against Iraq and eastern Turkey), the ultra-modern skyscrapers, shopping malls, women without a headscarf and flashy cars a culture shock for me. When is the Wall Street since the financial crisis of the decline of capitalism, he is experiencing its revival in Dubai. Without doubt the Skyscraperurwald is impressive, but ultimately me this shiny facade comes after the previous weeks before the very artificial and superficial.
waiting Fortunately, the flight to Lahore, the capital of Punjab and the cultural heart of Pakistan on the border with India. a week I spend in the busy metropolis. Many things remind me already there in India (after all, were India and Pakistan 63 years ago to one and the same country) and my inner glow can travel fever thermometer. The streets of Lahore be driven not only by all kinds of vehicles (from large and small buses, on trucks, cars, motor rickshaws, bicycles and scooters up to Roll boards) but are also a huge Freichlichtzoo. Horses, donkeys, cows, dogs, cats and chickens complete the man-made chaos. The markets are fantastic colorful, crowded and diverse.

Pakistan (and virtually no one knows) a great tourism potential, thanks to Lahore, with its many historical monuments and other cultural gems and quaint, practically untapped in the mountain regions Nodern. But the Pakistanis do not deny that it is about their country at the moment is not good. Many see
11 September as the turning point, since nothing was the same again. The country became the scene of the dubious battle against terrorism. In recent years, accumulated the Taliban attacks, but NATO is not necessarily less careless with the lives of civilians at (villages are bombed, etc.). The rejection of the U.S. action in Pakistan's population is large, more and more Americans are perceived in Pakistan as self-serving imperialists.
No Pakistanis is also good to talk to his government. My friend Usman, appeals to me on the first day on the street, said: "No president has been felt even a little this country undertakes." Corruption is part of the game, military coups, a recurring motif, and as the verhehrenden floods this year have shaken the country, The President went on a trip abroad. Unlike in Iran, many Pakistanis have given the continuing mismanagement of their country long since resigned.
is by the roadside in busy places and the police presence is particularly high. My rickshaw is repeatedly stopped by soldiers and one day I forget my passport. a German, dressed in a Pakistani shalwar kameez "(see photo), without a passport and without Pakistani money (I just wanted to go to exchange). It will take me to the police station, but I can the problem with a 20 € -release form. Later I learn that this is about four times its daily earnings (!).
Lahore is known for his many Sufischreine. I attend most of these shrines that are visited by masses especially in the evening and I have to undergo three times a body check. Everywhere there are policemen with machine guns. Later I learn from my couchsurfing host, why: Before the shrine, it has a few weeks ago with a stop where dozens dead. The explosion occurred in a Thursday night, holy night of the Sufis (Islamic mystics), so many deaths were guaranteed. When I Usman in the Thursday night ride through a busy street, I feel uneasy. A short time later, there is a message from an attack in a shrine in Karachi.
And yet there is complete normalcy in Lahore, everyday is his usual lines. On time every day cut 14 to 16 and from 20 to 22 clock, the current (Usman insists that I am in Germany from this "human rights violation" reports). The blackout is probably the only predictable in Pakistan.
But ultimately, the probability , can be taken from one of these lunatics in an attack is vanishingly small. vigilance and avoiding crowded places at certain times, a large part of reducing the danger. That's what I think myself and feel a whole. The life of Lahoris is certainly not to the Upside down. There is here the best will in no state of emergency and the media image of the "most dangerous Country in the world "is so distorted as most of what we learn about the countries outside of Turkey.

On the last day in Pakistan I watch the ceremony at the only border crossing übertretbaren between Pakistan and India, the Wagah border on. Every day before sunset where there is a bizarre and impressive military parade. Both the Pakistani and the Indian side (I'm watching the show for two days by both sides) it is the same ritual, impressively captured in this YouTube video:

How in a football game cheer the masses to their soldiers. The enthusiasm and Pride is similar on both sides, I go along as a die-hard Indian fans on the Indian side even more. There, young women dance to Bollywood hits, kids run with the flag through the crowd and all shout "Long live India!".

noon on 10/10/2010 I cross over to walk the border between the two arch-enemies, known as the "Berlin Wall of Asia." It is an indescribable feeling, only with a backpack, the few steps from Pakistan back to India Gate and down one after the Pakistani and Indian border to greet the soldier.

come after exactly 15 weeks to travel to eight countries, I in India, where I will spend the next few months.

On 1 November I start my project work in Varanasi on the Ganges. I'm looking forward to settle down, my Hindi classes and rich new experiences ...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Best Stabilizer For Recurve Bow

October 1 100 weeks

Monday, 04.10.

Early: Kettlebells
-TGU 5x1 @ 24kg
-Clean and Press 5x1-3 @ 24kg
-BUC & 3x30sec hold. each side @ 16kg Swings
-10min. Cadence 21,21,21,21,20,20,20,20,20,20,20 30/30 (204) @ 24kg
Low Carb underneath, F: 235 Carbohydrate: 80 E: 190

Tuesday, 10.05.

breakfast.. BWE's
-1a) Pistols 5x5 / 5 @ 12kg
-1b) KB Deadlift 5x5 @ 2x24kg
-2) 100rep.challenge Australian Pull Ups / Push Ups
3x2min-3a) Plank...
-3b.) Side Plank 3x30sec. It
Low Carb underneath, F: 230 Carbohydrate: 90 E: 175

Wednesday, 10.06.

Low Carb underneath, F: 215 Carbohydrate: 65 E: 155

Thursday, 10.07.

Early: Kettlebells
-10x10 Dbl KB Swings @ 2x16kg
-Dbl. KB Front Squat 5x10 @ 2x16kg
-Pull Ups 5x5 4x3 1x5 @ BW
-Snatch 5x5 / 5 @ 24kg
-Waiters/Rack/Farmers Walk per 30sec. 3x each side
High Carb upward, F: 90 DH: 445 E: 230

Friday, 08.10.

Early: Skill Training
Low Carb underneath, F: 215 Carbohydrate: 90 E: 200

Saturday, 10.09.

Low Carb underneath, F: 180 Carbohydrate: 75 E: 165

Sunday, 10.10.

Low Carb underneath, F: 200 Carbohydrate: 55 E: 175

Friday, October 8, 2010

Casino Salieri Streaming

Camino pilgrim meeting in Koblenz

Hola together
Yesterday was the first pilgrim meeting in the City Church Koblenz. It was a good start. There were very interesting to Gesräche around pilgrims, which is not particularly interested pilgrims. Looking forward to the next Pilgrims evening in Koblenz.

pilgrims "in search of the real Jacob?"
A conversation course for more interesssierte pilgrims and the pilgrimage routes and anderern incurred in Go ...
Thursday, 04.11.2010 19:00 clock inthe open door of the City at the Jesuit church of Koblenz court.
more information, please 0261/1330537

Buen Camino

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Say Congratulations For The Engagement In Arabic

Repetition Challenge

I had last week finally ordered a pull-up bar for training within your own four walls. On Monday came the good piece. Equal mounted and yesterday, the first Start unit.
During installation I have noticed that the walls in my apartment are not very trustworthy so ... (Old building Greetings ... Have brittle plaster and far and no stones in sight) expected
How I got the part at the 1st Set from the wall cracked. :)
stupidity was of course now that I had to quickly umschmeissen my plan. What do I do very reluctantly.
what I needed as a pull up / push up ring replacement ... Renegade Rows
side and push ups on the kettlebells I had something simpler in mind that I had found a few days ago on the net.
The 100 Challenge Repetition
But instead I am also held. My 2 exercises Australian Pull Ups were at room table,) as pull exercises and push ups under the press table as a desk exercise.
The cool is the huge number of combinations as you can get reps at 100.
My version looked like this: an Australian Pull Up Push Ups followed by 2 then 3 and 4 Australian Pull Ups Push Ups, etc. So when
1,3,5,7,9,9,7,5,3,1 Australian Pull ups = 50 reps.
And 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2, push ups = 50 reps.
totaling 100 reps. All without a break ...
then again I was thrilled at how easy it is but his body with the simplest means to require proper. The whole thing just Lasted five minutes and although there are (simple) exercises, I was then good at Ars. :)
If you at times found that their short term needs without a training exercise equipment, for example, if you are traveling or so.
try this time out:
- Pistols 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 legs alternate in 2 is a left or a right. Five left at 10 / five are at the right end 25 reps. = 50 reps for each leg. Total.
- Push Ups 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 = 50 reps.
Pistols and push ups to run alternately, 2 Pistols / 2 push ups, etc. The whole
then again with Australian pull ups instead of push ups and you have a horny Ganzkörpertraing what in 15min. to should provide:)
The whole can also perform well in the Groove Grease Style. However, I would only an exercise for the 100 reps. select and focus on a very clean design set instead as soon as possible to be done. Maintenance as fresh as possible with smaller breaks.
this time the possibility of repetition:

2 , 4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 x 2

20,20,20,20,20 25,15,10 5,10,15,20 × 2 × 2

25.25 , 25.25 10 × 10

2,4,6,8 × 5
1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 x 4 refers
All you here again beautifully explained with a number of exercises and combinations
Very cool videos is also on Al Kavadlo or
He's a great plan which shows the videos:)
In case you try it out, then posts a comment in any case by what exercises and repetitions. So there should be a 100 repetitions for each challenge you? ;)

have a great week,

PS I got me worried and I PLUGS MONSTER my old building walls to its knees! Yeah:))

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dragon Ball Z Bulma Sunbathing

Training End September - early October

Monday 27.9.

Early: Head
hard-Clean and Press @ 24kg
-4x 1-3 Swings 11min. Cadence 21,20,21,21,21,21,20,20,20,20,20 30/30 (225) @ 24kg
High Carb upward, F: 90 DH: 710 E: 355

Tuesday, 28.09.

Early: VO2 MAX
-45 sets
-100rep.challenge: Pistols / Push Ups 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2
25 Pistols each leg / 50 Push Ups (100 . reps) Low Carb
underneath, F: 210 KH: 105 E: 175

Wednesday, 09.29.

Low Carb underneath, F: 215 Carbohydrate: 60 E: 150

Thursday, 09.30.

Early: BWE circle 3 Rounds
1a) Jumping Jacks 3x50
1b) Pistols 3x5 each leg
1c) One arm push ups 3x5 each arm
1d) Jumping Lunges 3x10 each leg
1e) handstand..... 3x60sec hold.
1f.) Plank with one leg 3x30sec. each leg
1g.) Side Plank w. one leg 3x20sec. each side
Finisher: Pull Up 1x10 ABC 2x5sec. holds
Low Carb underneath, F: 225 Carbohydrate: 85 E: 170

Friday, 01.10.

breakfast: side technique training
-T.GetUp 2x16kg each, it 1x24kg, 2x24kg re. 2x24kg li.
-Cleans 10x16kg each side
C & P 5x16kg each side, it 1x24kg it 2x24kg
-Swings 11min cadence 21,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20 30/30 (221) @ 24kg
Low Carb underneath, F: 210 Carbohydrate: 75 E: 170

Saturday, 10.02.

Early: VO2 MAX
-50 sets
Low Carb underneath, F: 225 Carbohydrate: 60 E: 190

Sunday, 03.10.

Low Carb underneath, F: 205 Carbohydrate: 60 E: 170

Caravel Ship Diagrams

a month in Iran

a month, I traveled to Iran, station made in eight cities and learned a lot.
No other country in the world has probably at the time such a bad international reputation as Iran. Iran's less angry dwarf, as last observed in the UN is holding the country constant in the headlines. The Iranians know all too well, no question I was asked many times in the street like this, "What do you think about Iran,"
Many Iranians are very concerned about the image of Iran with us and decided to do something about it and I a very different side to show. With their opinion about government and the situation in the country to keep the Iranians at all behind the mountain. In fact, the Iranians seem to me the most political people to be that I have ever met. Everywhere people talk about updates, discussed politics and current events, and almost everyone is immediately ready to share his views with me.
My first host in Tehran (I am using deliberately no names) has his apartment near the Meydan Azadi (Freedom Square). This area was last year after the elections the center of the anti-government demonstrations. The entire neighborhood was surrounded by Basij militia, the mood tense for days. My other friend in west Tehran has thrown stones against policemen and observed, was shot as to humans. The atmosphere must have been incredibly tense, unpredictable and highly dangerous for any protesters. Nevertheless, countless students have been on the road and many young people who have previously completed not about politics, the green movement.
This year has so far remained peaceful. The government prevented with massive intimidation of any protest. The leaders and guardians of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini, the great and his successor Khamenei, Iran views as "supreme leader" is known, as ever, thousands of houses down walls and billboards. But it is especially the many young people with whom I speak, which I convey something of the mood that prevails in the country. The "bomb" (not the atomic bomb) was fired last year and for many it is only a matter of time before it explodes completely.
me it was very exciting to capture this mood in conversations with young people. I I will soon take the time to evaluate all that and write a report.
The many educated young people who are concerned about the future of their country and are aware of social issues, represent a crucial counterbalance dar. The last year has been shown in public that Iran is simply not sufficient to fanatical crowds is that hate speech American flags and screaming burn.
The same is true for the image of women that prevails among us. I have met many extremely self-conscious young women, the majority of students in Iran are female. Nevertheless, women experience in many areas of society, especially in court or at work, Disadvantage. The book "My Iran" by Nobel Peace Prize winners Shirin Ebadi is there and was very informative for me before my visit to Iran is a good read.

However, Iran is not just about politics. I've met on my trip very different places to represent the diversity of the country. Tabriz in the northwest of the country is the capital of an ethnic group that is used by the Iranians commonly referred to as "Turks". There, Azari, a Turkish dialect, spoken, with most Azaris also speak Persian. Also, Rasht, near the Caspian Sea, has its own dialect of Persian, known as Gilaki. On Gilaki I learn the words "Ti bala Wed sar" (I love you) and every time I use him harvest I wonder and joy - a German speaks Gilaki the Gilan region is very green, wooded hills, tea plantations and a very humid climate. landscape reminds me sometimes of Germany ...
Wüst it's getting more then south of Tehran. from Kashan, a small town between Tehran and Isfahan, I take a trip into the desert and make acquaintance with a very nice camel. How you can see, we are fast friends.
The culturally interesting cities of Iran's Isfahan, Yazd and Shiraz. Isfahan is famous for the great Imam Square Two famous mosque, a palace and lively bazaar gears. In Yazd, you can visit the ancient sites of the Zoroastrian, still living followers of this ancient pre-Islamic region there and preserve their traditions.
In Shiraz, I visit the grave of Hafiz, the greatest of Persian poets. It's interesting just how enthusiastic young people in Iran, for the old poets. In the evening, crowds flock to the park, students recite poems from thick books and men and women reverently kiss the grave of Hafiz. Many sent their wishes and hopes of Hafiz and looking for answers in his verses.
The Persian language is almost done for poetry, very melodic and not as harsh as the one Arab appears often. It could be Persian (Farsi) as the "French of the Middle East" call. I play really with the idea to learn it one day. Inshallah (God willing)! But first, India is Hindi tuned ...

The long history of Iran is a very important part of Iranian identity. Many people are very proud of the old Persian kings, and Persepolis, the ancient ruined city of the Persian empire, is a popular domestic tourist. In the sweltering heat, I explore the ruins, the most in their to compare historical weight with the pyramids of Egypt. Persepolis happy politicians still use the power of demonstration. Ahmadinejad was photographed there several times threw the Shah to the 2500th Birthday of the Persian Empire in Persepolis, an opulent party (the people not as well received).
is only recently in the National Museum of Tehran, on loan from London arrived the famous Cyrus Cylinder, a type of Persian King Cyrus, which is now considered first declaration of human rights. It is the irony of history that Iran appeared to have been more about human rights 2500 years ago than today.

particularly in the years under Ahmadinejad have been grown in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the customs regulations. Most of rules, the predecessor and reformer Khatami had been loosened from Ahmadinejad re-enforced. is everywhere present in busy public places, shopping centers and parks, police and ensures compliance with the law. For women, there is compulsory headscarf, knees must be covered (by wearing an "manteaus") and too much makeup can be a problem.
In cities, these rules, however, little attention from young women. The headscarf often sits far back and slips often times quite accidentally by the hair. With a quick gesture, it is set right again in the hope that someone may have noticed the nice hair. Much makeup is usually a sign that a woman not at all with the Rules and the constraints imposed on agrees.
The same applies to couples: Premarital relationships are forbidden, but in Tehran, young couples holding hands not a rare sight.
In Isfahan I observed a young man, as he stopped his car on a sidewalk and nimble and unobserved two pretty women handed a piece of paper with his phone number out the window. In a country without going out and flirting opportunities, it is sometimes not easy to find a partner.
the way, there also limitations for men: could I leave my shorts in Iran very bottom of the backpack, they are banned in public.
I remember in all this to a set of the Prophet Mohammed that have impressed me Muslims in Syria and over again: "There is no compulsion in religion". The leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran appear as a different opinion to have. For many Muslims in their country Iran is, however, in any case neither a republic nor Muslim (but only in name).

Even in Iran, I have experienced very warm hospitality. A doctor in Rasht has postponed his family holiday for me and took two extra free days to show me his home area and to chauffeur me to different places. In Tehran, I was home to six days by a student and Isfahan I helped a young art student learning German (after English in Iran seems to be German is the most popular foreign language). Especially German will be received with open arms, the opinion of Germany (technology, sports, etc.) is highly positive. The first topic of conversation is usually football, very annoying for an anti-football fan (except for World Cup season). In most cases, is asked first to Iranian football players in Germany and thanks to my Iranian friends I know now, Ali Daei, who, as I was enlightened, who once played for Arminia Bielefeld.
Hospitality has, as in all countries of the Middle East a top priority in Iran, but Here me is the openness towards strangers attention in particular. It is probably also the knowledge that many of us have a completely wrong image of Iran and would never come here, which leaves the people who receive few visitors so warmly. On the street I will always be of oncoming pedestrians "Welcome to Iran!" Contrary to established. What Iranians should therefore be expected in Germany? Such comparisons I've made time in my Syria trip already ...

It was a relief for me when Ramadan was over at last. In Iran, existing rules are much stricter than in Turkey or Iraq, and no restaurant has opened. Anyone smoking in the Ramadan is caught on the street can expect jail.
Sometimes you have it not as a vegetarian in Iran easy to find something without meat. In Tehran, I have enjoyed eating in a vegetarian restaurant that is there, excited by young students of a high popularity. Otherwise
is traveling in Iran very convenient bus connections between cities are frequent, comfortable and cheap. The long distances in Iran can be so (or train, I once made) to travel well. Sometimes
was it for me while traveling in Iran days with almost no expenses, because my host (even against my protests) have taken care of. I wish I really, at some point these people are called in Germany (or elsewhere?) and allowed some of that to give back what I could receive in Iran.

salt lake near Kashan