Monday, October 18, 2010

How To Make A Sidekick 09 Prepaid

changes / adjustments

conclusion of last week ...

I'm really difficult time in training up a gear down. Fortunately, around a week and I can give more gas. :)
The week was my ride to work on holiday, that was ok
way I'm on Mo. / Wed / Thu / Fri. been on a bicycle to work.
am So I got to 18km in those days, which is probably still under active regeneration.
food runs according to plan.
now I am loud at 72kg and 11% KFA scale. Which I dare not on the way and I would rather be measured by waist circumference alongside. They are now 76cm.

conclusion after 6 weeks: 06:09:10 = 74kg and 79cm waist / 18:10:10 = 72kg and 76cm waist.
is already awesome as I can change my body composition when I know my level of support and just write down my calories. The plan was so simple really ...
High Carb Loading days every 10 days otherwise überkalorisch Low Carb unterkalorisch.
Then, each week 100 calories less in Wochendurschnitt and see because it works.

Have now begun every 5 days on high carb switch for driving the Ladetag every 10 days not so überkalorisch. The high carb days in between permanent I am on my respective holding level ...
With the new plan is determined what the next 6 weeks.
My energy level is currently extremely high, which is probably because the VO2MAX training.

Until then,


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