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Repetition Challenge I had last week finally ordered a pull-up bar for training within your own four walls. On Monday came the good piece. Equal mounted and yesterday, the first Start unit.
During installation I have noticed that the walls in my apartment are not very trustworthy so ... (Old building Greetings ... Have brittle plaster and far and no stones in sight) expected
How I got the part at the 1st Set from the wall cracked. :)
stupidity was of course now that I had to quickly umschmeissen my plan. What do I do very reluctantly.
what I needed as a pull up / push up ring replacement ... Renegade Rows
side and push ups on the kettlebells I had something simpler in mind that I had found a few days ago on the net.
The 100 Challenge Repetition
But instead I am also held. My 2 exercises Australian Pull Ups were at room table,) as pull exercises and push ups under the press table as a desk exercise.
The cool is the huge number of combinations as you can get reps at 100.
My version looked like this: an Australian Pull Up Push Ups followed by 2 then 3 and 4 Australian Pull Ups Push Ups, etc. So when
1,3,5,7,9,9,7,5,3,1 Australian Pull ups = 50 reps.
And 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2, push ups = 50 reps.
totaling 100 reps. All without a break ...
then again I was thrilled at how easy it is but his body with the simplest means to require proper. The whole thing just Lasted five minutes and although there are (simple) exercises, I was then good at Ars. :)
If you at times found that their short term needs without a training exercise equipment, for example, if you are traveling or so.
try this time out:
- Pistols 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 legs alternate in 2 is a left or a right. Five left at 10 / five are at the right end 25 reps. = 50 reps for each leg. Total.
- Push Ups 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 = 50 reps.
Pistols and push ups to run alternately, 2 Pistols / 2 push ups, etc. The whole
then again with Australian pull ups instead of push ups and you have a horny Ganzkörpertraing what in 15min. to should provide:)
The whole can also perform well in the Groove Grease Style. However, I would only an exercise for the 100 reps. select and focus on a very clean design set instead as soon as possible to be done. Maintenance as fresh as possible with smaller breaks.
this time the possibility of repetition:
2 , 4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 x 2
20,20,20,20,20 25,15,10 5,10,15,20 × 2 × 2
25.25 , 25.25 10 × 10
2,4,6,8 × 5
1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 x 4 refers
All you here again beautifully explained with a number of exercises and combinations
Very cool videos is also on Al Kavadlo or
He's a great plan which shows the videos:)
In case you try it out, then posts a comment in any case by what exercises and repetitions. So there should be a 100 repetitions for each challenge you? ;)
have a great week,
PS I got me worried and I PLUGS MONSTER my old building walls to its knees! Yeah:))
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